November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

You can go ahead and raise the humidity for a few days, it won't hurt anything. Are you turning by hand or using an auto turner? If using an auto turner, you can take off a couple of the sections to open up a space for the ones hatching. You'll either need to block access to the turner somehow or hatch in baskets or mesh bags. If you're turning by hand, pretty much the same deal, just figure out how to keep the new babies seperate from the other eggs either using baskets or mesh bags. Good luck!

Thank you so much! I was wondering if I could take the turner sections out! I was afraid to look cause I know you aren't supposed to keep opening the incu. Another question: how big are the air cells supposed to be at day 18? Bigger I think??
Your probably running a little on the hot side if you see a lot of early arrivals. Your incubator might say 99.5 but it could be off. Have you calibrated your temps? If most hatch before day 21 I would adjust the temp down .5 for the next hatch and see what happens. There is nothing like watching the miracle of the hatch. Congratulations!

I tested the extra thermometer and hygrometer that I put in the bator. The bator gauges were not accurate. Temp has been pretty consistent at 99.5, humidity ran at about 30% first 18 days, with occasional spikes to 45 (when I re-wet sponges).

So, not quite sure why the early pip on this one egg. I also have another one that has started, but not broken completely through. I am not seeing any activity in the other 5 eggs. Keeping my fingers crossed that I get more than just two chicks (or worse, just the one!). I will be scrambling trying to find some others for company. Penny1960, who I got my eggs from has a hatch due a week after mine. Might be able to get a couple from her if need be- she's offered to trade any roos I get for pullets.
Thank you so much! I was wondering if I could take the turner sections out! I was afraid to look cause I know you aren't supposed to keep opening the incu. Another question: how big are the air cells supposed to be at day 18? Bigger I think??

You're welcome! I was in that boat once...before I got more incubators lol. Not my image, borrowed from the Web.

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Need help? I have 2 different batches in the incubator. A week or so apart. I'm coming up on lock doe. And don't know what to do. Some eggs need to be locked down and more humidity and some need lower humidity and to be kept turned. Any suggestions?

Please, help me with what to do. Anybody?

Take it you don't have another bator. That is quite a difference in between hatching. If you don't have another bator, yes, raise your humidity to around 55..everyone can get by on that. :) I open my bator often during hatching. I take out the chicks that have hatched. I personally don't like the hatched ones pushing all of the other eggs around.
It's been suggested that you separate the ones that are due to hatch..good idea. :) If you have some way to keep the ones it.
You're welcome! I was in that boat once...before I got more incubators lol. Not my image, borrowed from the Web.


Thank you so much!! Especially for being understanding! My egg cells look like day 14 maybe. Would that mean I need more or less humidity to make it larger? What if I had one that had a busted air cell but looked like it's alive?
Thank you so much!! Especially for being understanding! My egg cells look like day 14 maybe. Would that mean I need more or less humidity to make it larger? What if I had one that had a busted air cell but looked like it's alive?

Humidity around 55% should be ok. What do you mean by busted air cell? Was it rolling from a rough shipment? If so, hatching upright in an egg carton will help out a lot but cut the bottom out of the egg holder for air flow. It's possible that maybe you have an early internal pip though if it didn't look busted before.
Humidity around 55% should be ok. What do you mean by busted air cell? Was it rolling from a rough shipment? If so, hatching upright in an egg carton will help out a lot but cut the bottom out of the egg holder for air flow. It's possible that maybe you have an early internal pip though if it didn't look busted before.

One of my eggs when I last candles them looked like it was rolling around and didn't have an air cell in it??
One of my eggs when I last candles them looked like it was rolling around and didn't have an air cell in it??

Does something move, while it isn't being moved?

Is this happening in the ones going into lock down soon, or one that is later?

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