November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

This is my brooder.
OK so now I have 4 pips hears my question how long before they zip or are out completely what's everyone's experience with time on this also still have more that have have to pip oh boy
So 13hrs later first pip is now a chick and we have 5 more pips now :) this is so exciting
My first egg hatched on day 19. Second last night, day 20. The other 5 eggs are not showing signs of any pips

How long should I wait?

Are they all the same breed when I do mixed breed hatches I find some are slower my last hatch was about 36 hours last time from first pip until last one hatched. I left the hatchlings in until everyone hatched this time it was hard...
They are all EE and OE. I'm going to wait till at least tomorrow. I may be forced to snatch the two out as quickly as possible in a day or so. I know chicks can go 3 days without food or water, but I really don't want to test that! These two hatched early, so I'm really, really hoping that the others are just being "normal"! If not, I'll have to figure out getting a few more chicks. Feed store has a shipment of Buff Orpingtons, Gold Sex Links, and Rhode Island Reds (which I don't want). Or get a few from Penny1960 (who I got my eggs from)
Are they all the same breed when I do mixed breed hatches I find some are slower my last hatch was about 36 hours last time from first pip until last one hatched. I left the hatchlings in until everyone hatched this time it was hard...
when hers hatch out next week- same eggs as mine.
This is my brooder.

My first egg hatched on day 19. Second last night, day 20. The other 5 eggs are not showing signs of any pips

How long should I wait?
Congrats on your 2 chicks so far. I, personally, like to take the chicks out of the incubator about once a day. (Done quickly & I mist a little water onto the side of incubator if I'm worried about recovering the humidity quickly.) I had a strange hatch recently where the hatches were staggered. (I'm wondering if it had to do with the season & huge fluctuations in outside temps.) I can't say whether the rest of your eggs will hatch, but if they do, they would be on time - not late. Don't give up on them. If they don't have pips & are not about to zip, then slipping a hand in to grab the chicks should not be tragic.

I like to use that rubber mesh (in your brooder) in my incubator. (works great in there!) You may find it a hassle to wash daily, but please share how you like it. You may have found a great discovery that I never thought of that works better than my paper towels. (I like to roll up & dispose quickly. I only use them for the 1st few days anyway so I can monitor intake / out-take.) Seriously, I'm curious to know what it's like, so please let us know.

Your brooder plate looks awesome. I'd love to have one of those! Are the bricks stable? If the brooder gets knocked a little, you want to make sure nothing will fall. Make sure the chicks know what the water & food is by teaching them with a finger & dipping their beaks. Raising it a little helps keep shavings out, but make sure they can get there. (Won't be a problem in 1-2 days when they'll be hopping everywhere. LOL)
The bricks are very stable. They are heavy, flat paver stone that broke in half. No worries about them shifting!
I have the shelf liner in my incubator as well. I chose black for the brooder so that I could make sure they are eating and drinking before removing it and using the shaving underneath. I had to use shaving under because the tote isn't flat. There is a well all around the perimeter. I was just going to use newspaper under it until I realized that!
I'm going to have to grab the chicks out- the first hatchling looks like it may have poop on its butt. Figure if I grab it, better grab them both! I was trying to leave them in as long as feasible to entice the other eggs to PIP. That's not panning out! LOL. I think instead of buying chicks from the feed store, I'll wait and maybe get a couple more from Penny when hers hatch. Or not. Haven't decided yet. I want more! If I wait and try to hatch more eggs, I'm afraid the age difference will prove a problem. Who knows, maybe I'll wake up tomorrow am to more babies. I sure hope so!!!
Congrats on your 2 chicks so far.  I, personally, like to take the chicks out of the incubator about once a day. (Done quickly & I mist a little water onto the side of incubator if I'm worried about recovering the humidity quickly.)  I had a strange hatch recently where the hatches were staggered. (I'm wondering if it had to do with the season & huge fluctuations in outside temps.) I can't say whether the rest of your eggs will hatch, but if they do, they would be on time - not late.  Don't give up on them.  If they don't have pips & are not about to zip, then slipping a hand in to grab the chicks should not be tragic.

I like to use that rubber mesh (in your brooder) in my incubator. (works great in there!)  You may find it a hassle to wash daily, but please share how you like it.  You may have found a great discovery that I never thought of that works better than my paper towels. (I like to roll up & dispose quickly.  I only use them for the 1st few days anyway so I can monitor intake / out-take.)  Seriously, I'm curious to know what it's like, so please let us know.

Your brooder plate looks awesome.  I'd love to have one of those!  Are the bricks stable?  If the brooder gets knocked a little, you want to make sure nothing will fall.  Make sure the chicks know what the water & food is by teaching them with a finger & dipping their beaks.  Raising it a little helps keep  shavings out, but make sure they can get there.  (Won't be a problem in 1-2 days when they'll be hopping everywhere. LOL)
I you are going into the incubator anyways, and have no pips, grab a couple eggs and candle them to see if you have any internal pips.

The broken pavers work great for me, too. Keeps the water and food a bit higher to keep the shavings out (somewhat). I have the same brooder plate, too!

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