November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

Well, I gave in and set the one silkie egg that I have. It's been on my counter for well over a week now. I've been waiting for at least another egg to put in with it but since Amel has gone on strike, it looks like I'm out of luck. I hope this egg is fertile!
I you are going into the incubator anyways, and have no pips, grab a couple eggs and candle them to see if you have any internal pips.

The broken pavers work great for me, too. Keeps the water and food a bit higher to keep the shavings out (somewhat). I have the same brooder plate, too!

I use boards. Not at first though. They can't get up to them right off. I put them on the kitchen rubber made stuff first. When they are a few days old and know what the feeders and waterers are, I put them higher, because .. oh yeah...shavings end up in them.
Wow, congratulations to all of the pips, zips, and hatches!

Loving the photos of brooders too. Always fun to see how other keep their babies.
I use boards. Not at first though. They can't get up to them right off. I put them on the kitchen rubber made stuff first. When they are a few days old and know what the feeders and waterers are, I put them higher, because .. oh yeah...shavings end up in them.

I took them down off of the pavers! Yep, can't get up on them. Saw them both drink. I also sprinkled some of the food on the grip pad I have in there. I have seen both peck at it as well. Whew! That is a relief.

I will wait till they seem to be more coordinated to put them back up on the pavers. At that time I will probably remove the drawer liner as well and just go with the pine shavings.

Still no pips on the last 5 eggs. Tomorrow is day 21. I am sad- but also understand that it happens. I am grateful for the two cuties that I have and will pick up another 4 from Penny1960 next week when hers hatch. She has 12 in the incubator- said she put them in just so I would be assured 6 babies! I am so grateful to her. They are also building me a 6x8 coop! It is amazing how when you lose faith in so many things, it is restored in the most unexpected ways!
My first batch goes into lock down tomorrow morning. I'm so excited.
I've tried to go by the book on how to be successful at hatching. I've worried and fretted over these little guys. And I've had some hard times with them. Even the electricity going out; ontop of when the heat fluctuated,so, these little guys are survivors! (I'm hoping for more girls than guys though)
My first batch goes into lock down tomorrow morning. I'm so excited.
I've tried to go by the book on how to be successful at hatching. I've worried and fretted over these little guys. And I've had some hard times with them. Even the electricity going out; ontop of when the heat fluctuated,so, these little guys are survivors! (I'm hoping for more girls than guys though)

Good luck getting girls! Looks like my hatches from this month and last are mostly boys :/ To tell the truth, of the 9, I only know of 1 definite pullet and 1 that's a maybe lol
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We went into lockdown yesterday. Chicks are due the 2nd! I keep watching the eggs to see if there's any movement, but not yet! Anyone with shipped egg experience? Wondering where they tend to pip with the big oblong air sacks - I'm keeping those eggs in the cut down egg cartons, but I am concerned they might pip low, into the egg carton wall.
I took them down off of the pavers! Yep, can't get up on them. Saw them both drink. I also sprinkled some of the food on the grip pad I have in there. I have seen both peck at it as well. Whew! That is a relief.

I will wait till they seem to be more coordinated to put them back up on the pavers. At that time I will probably remove the drawer liner as well and just go with the pine shavings.

Still no pips on the last 5 eggs. Tomorrow is day 21. I am sad- but also understand that it happens. I am grateful for the two cuties that I have and will pick up another 4 from Penny1960 next week when hers hatch. She has 12 in the incubator- said she put them in just so I would be assured 6 babies! I am so grateful to her. They are also building me a 6x8 coop! It is amazing how when you lose faith in so many things, it is restored in the most unexpected ways!

Really I understand the worry...I've just gone through it too! My silkie eggs just sat, sat and sat with no pips at all. They were due to hatch the 24th into early on the 25th. Passing right by those dates, on day 22 they had hatched. I went to sleep with no pips and woke up with 3 babies (which were under the hen).
Hang in there!
Well, I gave in and set the one silkie egg that I have. It's been on my counter for well over a week now. I've been waiting for at least another egg to put in with it but since Amel has gone on strike, it looks like I'm out of luck. I hope this egg is fertile!

I have 6 silkie/showgirl eggs that should be fertile if you want them. I want to see what they hatch but my husband convinced me it's not a good time to hatch. My girl just started laying, so they're from this past week. Just pm your address. I need practice shipping anyway.

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