November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

I have 6 silkie/showgirl eggs that should be fertile if you want them. I want to see what they hatch but my husband convinced me it's not a good time to hatch. My girl just started laying, so they're from this past week. Just pm your address. I need practice shipping anyway.

Thank you! Sent you a pm :)

Pray for this little bit he had his embilical cord around his neck but it's off now and its getting better slowly his friend i had to cull it had its insides out :-( I don't want to cull another but we have 6 good hatches right now
Good morning everyone!! I had a busy night last night! I got a dozen silkie eggs from RayvnFalls that I set 3 weeks ago. I decided to try a total hands off approach to these eggs. I never candled, I just set them, and on day 19 locked them down and upped the humidity. Day 21 was yesterday. When I left for work, no pips. I was thinking I killed them all!

When I got home around 7, I had 6 pips. By the time I went to bed, I had 1 zipping. I got up twice - at 11:30 or so, we had 1 check. By 12:30 we had 2 chicks. By 6 am, we had 5 checks, by 7 am, we had 7 checks. I could only see 1 more pip. I'm hoping when I get home I have at least 8 dry and fluffy chicks!! From the ones that were starting to dry, I have several Blue and at least 1 black.

@Cynthia12 Rayvn said that you hatched a splash chick and you first thought it was blue. How did you figure out it was splash?

I just made it in under the wire with a successful November hatch!

She pointed it out first..that, the light one may be a splash. I looked at it better when dry. I have found that most of my blue splash have a hint of yellow around their necks, or wings, or bums. :)

You can't see the yellow in the photos. It is lighter though. :)

I am incubating my first eggs ever!

I bought a Magicfly (10 hen egg size). They are ducks and I never meant to be doing it this time of year. The reason I'm doing this is that my only drake hurt his foot and ever since the injury, he did not seem to be breeding anymore, so I needed to know asap if I needed to buy a new drake.

The plan was to see if he was breeding and abort them if there were live babies (because of winter)....but, it is only day 5 and I know I will be carving out space in my shop for these little guys to live in through the winter. By my estimation, out of the 9 eggs I collected, two were not fertilized. I think I lost two, because I am seeing blood rings that I have seen you guys talk about. And, I think I have 5 fertilized.

Out of the five babies, I think I am going to have 2 cayugas and 3 cayuga/khaki campbell hybrids. I am so giddy right now!

The eggs we collected were on the dirty side and I didn't know how much to clean them up. I erred on the side of leaving them a little dirty. So, these are examples of what I have going.

This looks fertilized to me. (day 5)

I think this one didn't make it. (day 5)
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I agree, the second one looks like a nice big blood ring. First one is doing great! Ducks..oh boy, I love duck baby photos!
Going to hunt down the Dec. Hatch A Long..since I have some more set..they will be hatching in Dec. Yep. :)
There isn't one...wondering, if folks are waiting for the NYD biggie. Last day of the month/year, first day of the year. New Years Day Hatch A Long.

Oh boy was I wrong. Not going yet. :/
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