San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Does anyone have Welsh Harlequin duck eggs or any other eggs like Muscovy or...? I am also looking for chicks or eggs Heritage Bar Plymouth Rocks from XW Ranch or Good Shepherd line. Any goslings?
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Some one gave me 3 adorable Peking ducks that are three months old.

Super poopers! Hahahaha! Well they are a nice dual purpose bird and have a good hatching rate from what I understand. Not the best mothers but there is always the incubator. These birds are BIG at three weeks.
Super poopers! Hahahaha! Well they are a nice dual purpose bird and have a good hatching rate from what I understand. Not the best mothers but there is always the incubator. These birds are BIG at three weeks.
dont get me wrong, i love them. i am trying to hatch pekins and ruoens next trip

i have indellable memories of duck poop between my barefooted toes as a teanager lol
I missed out on two Welsh Harlequin Ducks at the feed store. OK fess up who bought them.
I know there is some one in North county that is breeding them but who? Of course the feed store doesn't want to tell me.

Thank you for the heads up on Pencil Rocks alisar. I might just need to look at those instead of the Plymouth Bar rock.
We'll try and make the meet-up. :) In the meantime I have gone insane and I have Jubilee Orpingtons in my incubator. I haven't decided between plan A and plan B. Plan A is to rent some space at a friend's place where roosters are allowed and to eventually sell eggs. Plan B is to sell the babies.

Can't keep roosters, or I'd happily have them out back.
For those who have offered me eggs for this egg run

The pick up day has been jumping around. Its going to be Tuesday the 25th - late in the day - I will be in Valley Center then Escondido then down to the coast

I am setting eggs Saturday so eggs should be collected Saturday to Tuesday

Please PM me with details

Thanks so much

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