San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

went to check on the broodies in the bantam pen and found a mama with a little tiny black chick under her wing.oh to cute.
we have both seramas and moderns in there.what if it is a long legged serama? tahaha only black is a modern hen but have 2 serama roos and 2 modern roos.
this should prove to be interesting.
just had to share- it never gets old

Was she setting on just one egg? Both my little NN frizzles are broody. I feel so bad taking their eggs from them. They sit in the box together and come at me together when I snatch the eggs from under them. Oh, it's sooooooo tempting! Post pics :D
It started with one bird and within 2 days 5 were sitting.
so they have between them all, 3 little eggs and 3 welsummer eggs.

i took everything laid after that.i dont really need more little ones but thought what a cute combination.
they are so cute out there.that chick has many mamas looking after it.

ill get a picture of the broody circle and the baby.
Was she setting on just one egg? Both my little NN frizzles are broody. I feel so bad taking their eggs from them. They sit in the box together and come at me together when I snatch the eggs from under them. Oh, it's sooooooo tempting! Post pics

I have plenty of fertile eggs for your girls to sit on. If you don't want the chicks I'll take them back. I "found" a 4-5 week old Black Copper Marans if you are interested in trading for you NN roosters.
That was a sad article. We just watched Napolean Dynamite the other day, and they had a scene inside of a factory farm. I think my husband was pretty disgusted...

I seem to have a new barn chicken. I have two Black Am hens, and one (I thought) was going broody. (She was spending a lot of time in the nestboxes, and was looking like a growling pancake.) On Easter I heard a commotion up in the coop, and found one of my girls cornered and out of breath. I picked up her and took her down to the barn to check her over. She was missing quite a few feathers (mostly from the back of her head/neck) and kind of wheezy, so then I changed my thought from "broody" to "sick". I fluffed up a box stall for her, gave her fresh food and water with ACV in it and let her relax. She drank a LOT of water. That evening she seemed much brighter, so I gave her some mealworms. (She ate those like nobody's business, and was checking my hands for more.)

Yesterday Desirae came over to pick up her feed, and Barnie (as we are now calling her) had let herself out of the barn and was outside the chicken run. I figured she wanted back in, so I let her in. I gave everybody a lot of BOSS to keep themselves busy, and I started cleaning the coop so I could see what happened. In pretty short order, Barnie came screaming in, with the rooster and two other hens in hot pursuit. She saw me and flew up into my arms. ??? Back to the barn we went; she seemed happy with that choice.

I am so confused by the recent turn of events. To my eyes, Barnie was a fairly high-ranking member of the flock. Since she's obviously NOT sick, I've gone back to my original thought that she was broody. (I haven't had an egg out of her since all this started.) Do flocks sometime turn on broody hens?

Chickens are never boring.
I forgot to stick this in! As I was doing the morning feeding, this little Silver Campine was crowing...

It was hysterical - he (and his sister) are the smallest chickens in my juvenile group. I know I have other boys
in there, but this little one is the only crower. He sounds like a Serama!

I forgot to stick this in! As I was doing the morning feeding, this little Silver Campine was crowing...

It was hysterical - he (and his sister) are the smallest chickens in my juvenile group. I know I have other boys
in there, but this little one is the only crower. He sounds like a Serama!

Eek, already? That's pretty adorable and hilarious :)

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