San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Hi! My name is Alesha Turner and I love chickens! Next Tuesday there will be a City Council meeting discussing legalizing chickens in El Cajon. To convince the Major and the rest of the City Council members, many letters will need to be sent before then. We are hopeing to get at least 20 letters. If you love chickens and would like to see them legalized in El Cajon write a letter and tell as many people about it as you can! Letters coming from residents of El Cajon will have most recognition.

Adress letters to:
City Council Member Gary Kendrick
200 Pacific Center Dr.
El Cajon, CA 92020

or email the office:
City Council Member Gary Kendrick
[email protected]

Letters can talk about the benefits of raising your own flock at home:
-Soil Aeration + Fertilization
-Sustainability and health, low-cholesterol eggs
-Healthy, free-ranging flock not penned up and over-crowded
-Less noise than a dog
-Easy to maintain and clean

If you would also like to come to the city council meeting, it will be next Tuesday at 3:00 taking place the City Council Chambers in El Cajon. I can post more about that on Saturday night.

Thanks for all your help! Every letter and person really counts!
Hi Cari,

I'm in. Please send directions. Renee are you bringing fertile Welsummer eggs? I'll bring some fertile eggs for the other hatchaholics (Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Black Australorp, Silver Campines, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Gold Laced Wyandottes, Black Star, Silkies...). Let me know if anyone is interested in a particular breed.
See you Sunday,

Hi Cari,

I'm in. Please send directions. Renee are you bringing fertile Welsummer eggs? I'll bring some fertile eggs for the other hatchaholics (Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Black Australorp, Silver Campines, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Gold Laced Wyandottes, Black Star, Silkies...). Let me know if anyone is interested in a particular breed.
See you Sunday,

I wish we could make your get-together, Cari... April seems to have started an amazing progression of our friend's kids celebrating First Holy Communions, Confirmations and Baptisms. Every Sunday is booked between now and (almost) the end of May! I'm sorry to miss it; I especially wanted to meet the goats.
Dear Abby:

I have a problem. My husband and friend and I are going to a goat potluck this weekend (not the problem yet, but might become one eventually), but we can't stay up there for more than a few hours because we have to go home to our 6 regular chickens and 24 CHICKS IN THREE COOPS. How did that happen. I would say that it will get better, but for some reason I think the odds aren't good on that. There are these little wheaten and OE and EE (and one Welsummer) guys I recently picked up that are supposed to be emotionally distant, but are not, and they make cooing noises as they sit on my shoulder, on my hand, in my lap, and who attempt to sit on my head as I'm watching T.V. I have been forced to start naming them, which is bad, as I'm pretty sure two are definitely going to have male names.

What do I do?



P.S. Abbey - do you know anyone who knows fencing? I still might be able to work my way down to 12 if I can get a fence built at my Mom's...suggestions welcome.
Dear Abby:

I have a problem. My husband and friend and I are going to a goat potluck this weekend (not the problem yet, but might become one eventually), but we can't stay up there for more than a few hours because we have to go home to our 6 regular chickens and 24 CHICKS IN THREE COOPS. How did that happen. I would say that it will get better, but for some reason I think the odds aren't good on that. There are these little wheaten and OE and EE (and one Welsummer) guys I recently picked up that are supposed to be emotionally distant, but are not, and they make cooing noises as they sit on my shoulder, on my hand, in my lap, and who attempt to sit on my head as I'm watching T.V. I have been forced to start naming them, which is bad, as I'm pretty sure two are definitely going to have male names.

What do I do?



P.S. Abbey - do you know anyone who knows fencing? I still might be able to work my way down to 12 if I can get a fence built at my Mom's...suggestions welcome.

You really need to write a book.

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