San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

are basically a slower growing red meatbird, they don't have as many health problems, can reproduce themselves, and aren't as dirty etc... basically everything you'd want in a meat breed without any of the negatives of the cornish.

The Freedom Ranger day-old chicks are hatched in the heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country. The breeding stock is imported from the regions of Burgundy and Brittany (France). The genetic stock is derived from the American and European old heritage breed of chicken and was developed in the early 1960’s to meet the highest standards of the French Label Rouge Free Range program. Currently, the Freedom Ranger genetic stock is used by most non-factory farm production models (alternative) all across Europe and also by small pastured poultry producers in search of a traditionally raised farm chicken - just like the "oldies", healthy and with a succulent flavor and texture.
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WMR-C The Freedom Rangers sounds like good potential and perfect breed for those folks who have the space. We know that you do. Were you searching around for information or did your meet up with this breed first hand ? BTW Kev said that he does not have NNs that lay blue eggs. Which if you think about it would be very, very hard to make since NN have the brown gene and mixed with the blue gene results in a greenish shade.
I haven't tried them yet, I am raising Cornish right now, I just wanted to offer to split orders and save on shipping if anyone was interested.
Those look like some nice meat birds Cari!
I admire those of you who can raise your own food animals, and not get overly attached.
Since we got our layers last February, the kids have been on a "chicken" strike. They won't even eat Mc Nuggets anymore! The only way I can convince them is to either lie, and say its something else, or tell them a story about the meanest chicken in the world that tortured all the baby chicks, etc.... The good side to all that is that they are eating more of their vegetables now! LOL.

I know I'm always full of questions, but I have one about molting. My Australorp hen is bare on the inside of her upper thighs, and along the sides of her belly in that same area. She's 10 months old, and hasn't molted yet, but I don't see a lot of feathers loose on the rest of her body. The bare skin is clean, smooth, and not irritated. And I don't see any new feather tips starting to poke out. Is she molting? or is she plucking? If plucking, what could be the reason?
I too admire those that can raise their own food. I have to admit, I'm the one that can't tear into a chicken leg anymore. The kids are fine. Last night they fought over the heart!

My birds are also my first flock and the same age. I have birds losing just neck feathers, one (an EE) did lose feathers much like your Australorp. I thought she was plucking because I had her separated due to an injury. When I put her in with the rest of the flock I didn't notice it as much. I thought she was done molting and now her neck feathers are coming out. My first time with chickens but I've raised exotics and when birds molt there is no pattern. All three of my Australorps have gone broody on me already. Have you noticed yours spending a lot of time in the nest box?
Knock Kneed: I was wondering if she was doing it herself to warm her eggs. I don't see her necessarily staying in the nest longer than anyone else, though. They have multiple nests, but they all lay in the same one. I've only found one egg in the other nest once, when two girls needed to lay at the same time, and one wouldn't hurry up! It was hysterical listening to them argue. I would think that her sisters wouldn't let her sit too long without hassling her, "Move it or Lose it, Chick". They are a funny bunch.
I'm still looking to find a home for my 3 Brown Leghorns and my bossy Barred Rock. (She'd be fine free ranging, but in the run she's a pill.) Make me an offer. They are my best layers, but I'm down sizing now that I'm not free ranging. I could bring them to the meet up or arrange pick-up/drop off before then if you want.

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