San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

You may be driving past Crazytown, but you have not officially taken the freeway off ramp to Downtown Bonkers until you go over the "20 Maximum Chickens" limit you have set for yourself and you live in Clairemont. With neighbors. If you live in Ramona, they just call that "a startup."


I will show this to my husband as proof of my moderation and self-control. Probably the first time in my life I've ever been able to argue I have either of those two qualities.
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The second wave: Lucky the Dominque and And Waffles the Buff Orpington
The fancy young ladies: Lavender and Sparkles, Ameraucanas
New babies: Daenerys the Cochin mix, Sailor Moon the Tolbent Polish/Silkie, Sansa the mystery Silkie (mix?), and Peep

Somebody likes Game of Thrones!
You may be driving past Crazytown, but you have not officially taken the freeway off ramp to Downtown Bonkers until you go over the "20 Maximum Chickens" limit you have set for yourself and you live in Clairemont. With neighbors. If you live in Ramona, they just call that "a startup."
Hehehe....I truly see how this disease gets quickly out of control. In March I started off with 4 sweet little hens, you know, a few eggs a day would be nice. I am sure we all start out there Then I bought 4 more in April, they were Black copper Marans and those dark eggs they lay are just soooo cool. 14 Marans eggs arrived today in the mail today. I had to get some more becasue there was only 1 pullet in the original 4. Totally logical right? 14 is a good round number, I should get at least a few pullets in that. Another 2 birds and 6 more eggs are on the way next week. They are cream legbars, which is another amazing breed and will really add some color to the egg basket. So, it appears I will blow way past 20 birds in the span of less that 6 months and not have really given it much thought. The funniest part about it was that the chicken hobby started out because my husband did not want to get another dog...poor guy, he didn't even see it coming.

I hatched a couple of more Blue Ameraucanas. Are they calling your name?

Gail (aka Your Dealer)
I hatched a couple of more Blue Ameraucanas. Are they calling your name?
Gail (aka Your Dealer)
Some of us should have just decided to start a heroin habit, as it would have been cheaper and less addicting in the long run. I guess there's that "personal relationship" impact, too. What was the name of the support group? Please warn me when you are going to stage the intervention, so I can plan to be away when you all get here. I'll be at the feed store.
I wasn't able to make it to the meet up, and my boyfriend and I are looking to buy some chickens. Probably around 4 hens either pullet or egg laying age. Please PM me if anyone has any for sale.

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