San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

sorry see if this one works
I know you all would love to take one of these beauties home for yourself but alas i only have a couple.
actally i think 3.

please let me know if your interested,you can have them but dont email me if they are to be dinner.
these guys are to friendly and beautiful for the table but holly cow i dont need 4 of them in my flock.
id keep whichever is the last one

have 2 blue and one blue laced red
come over here and pick some out.they are hatching like far the very best hatch ever. most are mutts but they are so cute and fuzzy.
have silver ones,welles,buffs and even one cochin mix.take your pick and they are yours.

I need to pop into Kahoots today, but I'm afraid... on Fridays they get their chick shipments. I am down to two little lonely souls in the brooder since my farrier picked up his four that I hatched. They look so lost in there. If you're going to raise TWO, why not raise a few more? Sigh.

Here's my two pathetically sad little ones, an Exchequer Leghorn and a Blue Ameraucana. Don't they look like they need more company?

Is that exchequer baby from Gail?
If so one of my grand chicks

I also have some "interesting" chicks - mostly project chicks, and cream legbar crosses. In fact have some cream legbar x exchequer leghorn that should lay blue eggs. They would (likely) be nieces to your ex leg (same dad/grand-dad).

ALso some swedish flower hen chicks. All unsexed, sadly.

I need to pop into Kahoots today, but I'm afraid... on Fridays they get their chick shipments. I am down to two little lonely souls in the brooder since my farrier picked up his four that I hatched. They look so lost in there. If you're going to raise TWO, why not raise a few more? Sigh.

Here's my two pathetically sad little ones, an Exchequer Leghorn and a Blue Ameraucana. Don't they look like they need more company? :idunno

Agh, you're killing me with cute, especially the first guy with his little jacket :)

If it's a boy, you should name him Fonzi.
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Is that exchequer baby from Gail?
If so one of my grand chicks

I also have some "interesting" chicks - mostly project chicks, and cream legbar crosses. In fact have some cream legbar x exchequer leghorn that should lay blue eggs. They would (likely) be nieces to your ex leg (same dad/grand-dad).

ALso some swedish flower hen chicks. All unsexed, sadly.

Yes, it's from Gail. They both are! I would be interested in a couple of the nieces if you still have them.

If it's a boy, you should name him Fonzi.

I like that name, but it MUST be a pullet. I keep whispering in her ear, "You are a girl, a beautiful girl..." I hope she's been listening.

I am soooooo in trouble; I came home with two Silver Spangled Hamburgs from Kahoots. I justified it by noticing that they had pasty butt, and that I was likely saving their little lives by bringing them home. Then to make matters only *slightly* worse, I gave my persistent black Marans five of today's eggs to keep for herself. She seems dedicated, so there's that.

I think I've officially crossed the road into Crazytown, because I have no idea how many chickens I have now. (I'm nowhere near Gail/Nancy territory, but I'm in way more deeply than I ever imagined I'd be.) I pegged myself as a "20 Maximum Chickens" kind of girl, but that number is way back in my rear view mirror. My hoarder tendencies are definitely emerging nicely!

Renee M, please don't invite me over again until ALL of your chicks are in the awkward teenage/juvenile delinquent phase, okay? I might not be able to restrain myself.
I think I've officially crossed the road into Crazytown, because I have no idea how many chickens I have now. (I'm nowhere near Gail/Nancy territory, but I'm in way more deeply than I ever imagined I'd be.) I pegged myself as a "20 Maximum Chickens" kind of girl, but that number is way back in my rear view mirror. My hoarder tendencies are definitely emerging nicely!
You may be driving past Crazytown, but you have not officially taken the freeway off ramp to Downtown Bonkers until you go over the "20 Maximum Chickens" limit you have set for yourself and you live in Clairemont. With neighbors. If you live in Ramona, they just call that "a startup."
You may be driving past Crazytown, but you have not officially taken the freeway off ramp to Downtown Bonkers until you go over the "20 Maximum Chickens" limit you have set for yourself and you live in Clairemont. With neighbors. If you live in Ramona, they just call that "a startup."

20 chicken maximum? You guys are crazy!!!!! What if you have 20 chickens and then all of a sudden, there it is.... A chocolate Orpington? Are you going to walk away? I don't think so!
LOL...... You should have seen my own self restraint at the feed store... Gersey Giants, Guinea Keets, Silkeys, OH MY.....


They had a lot of Silkies at the Ramona Kahoots today... I'm just saying.

A Chocolate Orpington sounds like a delicious dessert. "I'll have a chocolate orpington, please - a la mode".

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