San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

LoL I doubt it but we didn't eat them yet as you are supposed to "rest" them in the fridge a day before eating them.
Al, I raised Cornish X a very long time ago. Tried to fill an order w/ Murray McMurray and did not have the minimum so I got the Cornish X. My dad was alive at the time to do the deed. If my memory serves me right, the meat is not firm, kind of flabby. I may have let them exercise more than I should have or did not cook it right. But it taste nothing like the chicken that I remember eating in China. My mom's cousin would process and cook that evening and they are not full of fat but really tasty.

I think the Dual Purpose birds take more time but they are tastier.

See what Cari says about it after she makes a meal w/ the 4lb. breast.


The females got a pardon at least for a day or two. It took me and 3 friends 4 hours to do 2 birds. The first one took us 3 1/2...
Actually I didn't start the water boiling in time that's why it took so long. After the water was hot everything went very fast. BUt after 4 hours I was beat! I figured I might do two more tomorrow... we'll see how long it takes me by myself and how hard it is.
I find processing a chicken very hard and think that it would be wonderful to have friends who help. The time would go faster and we could make up a few dark jokes.
luvanimals2 It seems to me that if any animal exercises the meat, which is muscle, would be firm not flabby.

WMR I have an idea ! put that breast into the freezer and then cook it up for the 22 so we can have a taste and opinion round-up
Flower, I think I am just having a hard time describing it. I could not find a better word than Flabby at midnight. What I was trying to explain was that Cornish meat is not dense or firm. Maybe it is the feed too because they are very fatty. When I lived in China for a few months, the chickens taste totally different. They were scrawny but the taste was FABULOUS.

I think that is a wonderful idea. Cari can bring the 4lb breast and we can all sample and review it.



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