San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

I am so depressed...I found my beautiful Blue Isbar rooster Fowler dead this morning. There wasn't a single mark on him; it looks like he just laid down and went to sleep.

He was just starting to get friendly with his ladies (who are just shy of 18 weeks), so I didn't even get a chance at any fertile eggs. He was the *nicest* boy; so sweet and good-natured. Sigh. I will miss him terribly. Why do these things happen?!? Can't believe he's gone...

Oh Dana, I'm so sorry. He was a beauty~!
I am so depressed...I found my beautiful Blue Isbar rooster Fowler dead this morning. There wasn't a single mark on him; it looks like he just laid down and went to sleep.

He was just starting to get friendly with his ladies (who are just shy of 18 weeks), so I didn't even get a chance at any fertile eggs. He was the *nicest* boy; so sweet and good-natured. Sigh. I will miss him terribly. Why do these things happen?!? Can't believe he's gone...

Dana, I am so sorry for your lost. It's horrible!!!! He was definitely gorgeous! It's weird because my favorite and gorgeous splash silkie roo died yesterday from the exact same symptoms..... No symptoms!!! Went to bed and didn't wake up. It is so upsetting (I didn't get the chance either to get any fertile eggs) and now I gotta found another one and start from zero, arg!
I hope you feel better

Thanks for the welcome Deb
we are also at 6 roos right now... and I have 28 chicks that will contain cockerels too :O/

RHRanch.. I have one olive efferent
she looks like a buff orpington with some white spots. She was rescued and just started laying, a very nice surprise!

Dfdesigns.. so sorry for your loss

My plan was to have a bachelor pen just for roos that are hatched out. Now they are growed up with thier girls and getting along I cant add another.... Sigh.

Newbie in Valley Center:) excited that I am not the only crazy chicken lady out here! Would love to join your next meetup.
Also, looking to rehome (free) a large barred rock rooster, three years old. Super sweet. Also a same age white/black /gray Plymouth mix rooster. I have several combined flocks and too many roosters! Help byc-ers...can email pics, can't seem to
Load from my phone...
Good night
from Vista!
I am so depressed...I  found my beautiful Blue Isbar rooster Fowler dead this morning. There wasn't a single mark on him; it looks like he just laid down and went to sleep.

He was just starting to get friendly with his ladies (who are just shy of 18 weeks), so I didn't even get a chance at any fertile eggs. He was the *nicest* boy; so sweet and good-natured. Sigh. I will miss him terribly. Why do these things happen?!? Can't believe he's gone...


Oh no, Dana! I'm so sorry about your boy. That must be so frustrating.

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