September Hatch-A-Long


Hangin' with my 16 peeps!:). (Yes all 16)

Love it when they fall right to sleep on you. :love
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10 eggs at lockdown 8 hatched last 2 eggs no pip yet today is day 21.

I had one without a pip or wiggle on day 22 while 15 others hatched. Came home from work today, day 22 and there the little one was. Crossing my fingers for you but know it's still early. May take an extra day or two. :fl
The products of my first hatch!

Terrible pics, I know they were the ones I took quickly for the craigslist ad they're going on

Does anyone think the black ones could be Black Sex-Links? I know it is possible since the lady who sent the eggs had a Buff Orp and RIR roos with multiple barred rocks. One also has a white spot on the top of its head which could mean it will be barred. (male sex link)
Oh Rob, so happy for you! This was your first hatch wasn't it? Well done!


Keeping them upright totally helped out the hatch on my second time around. First time I lost a bunch at lockdown that were ready to come out. I truly believe it was because of the detached air cells from shipping. Learned my lesson and stuck to my guns, plus listening to your guys advice helped. :thumbsup
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I have another broody, geeze! I think she's a bantam golden Phoenix, she was a TSC chick. My others are Sizzles. I expected the broodiness from the Sizzles, but the Phoenix just started laying a couple of weeks ago! She spent all day yesterday in the nest box, I thought she might have been having an egg binding issue. Today I went to check on her, and she was still in the box, but there was that nasty, tell tale gigantic poop in her coop, so...
I'm going to see if I can't fit the last of my incubator eggs under her, then I'm gonna pack that sucker up and put it away for the year (for real this time :oops:).
started with 10
1 blood ring
1 clear
and 1 I thought was a quitter but was greeted with a 4 day chick when opened shell
1 early quitter

Have 6 going into lockdown tomorrow.
had 4 that were moving around. 1 was too dark and porous to see anything and another was just too dark.

To count my hatch rate would I count all 10 that I begun with? Of course I can't do this until I have a final hatch count. Or would I start with the 6 that go into lockdown?

It is not that simple when doing chicken math....Do not attempt to figure your own hatch rate, people have ended up with brain spasms and twisted personality trying without adequate training.

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