September Hatch-A-Long

I'm happy to say I now have 2 ducks and 1 keet. I'm so hoping for another keet at least. I will post pics when I can. So far the keet is Gwennie the Guinea and the first duckling is Daffy the Duck. My brother suggested Howard for the second duckling, but I really don't like that movie. Anyone have a suggestion?
It's happening! It's happening! I have baby chickens and am fighting off a minor panic attack!

To recap:

My little bantam became broody at the end of August (Thank you BYC for helping me diagnose here strange behaviour). I felt bad for her, as I have no roster and she was trying to sit on eggs that would never hatch. Thus, off to the chicken farm I went, and purchased 1/2 dozen mixed fertilised eggs. I popped them under her and hoped for her sake that one of them might hatch. I wasn't really sure it would work without an incubator...

But lo and BEHOLD! As I went to put my girls away this evening I hear tiny peeps and further investigation (beak braving) showed a tiny beak poking through a shell. I'm checking every half hour and so far I have two little yellow chicks, both from eggs marked HP (must call the chicken farm about this to check the breed - probably not Harry Potter).

I have some photos on my phone - but I'm not sure how to load them on here. I will try later. :)

Note: Also discovered, whilst lying under my coop, that I have mites, or lice, or something. :/ Must visit the Produce store tomorrow to get some dust. Or should I wait until the chicks are older?
It's happening! It's happening! I have baby chickens and am fighting off a minor panic attack!

... and further investigation (beak braving) ....

I have some photos on my phone - but I'm not sure how to load them on here. I will try later. :)

Note: Also discovered, whilst lying under my coop, that I have mites, or lice, or something. :/ Must visit the Produce store tomorrow to get some dust. Or should I wait until the chicks are older?

Congratulations chick mama!

I had a good ol' laugh about the beak braving - because it takes a fair bit of bravery to stick your hand in there...and it never really hurts when she taps you, it's just the thought that hurts!!!

To upload from your phone open the forum on your phone, go to the reply editor at the bottom of the page and touch the photo icon, the phone tells you how to do the rest - it's super easy!

I don't think you can dust at such a young age, but you can do Mum and she will transfer small amounts to the chicks - they are more annoying than essential to get rid of, so check the label and perhaps wait until they are old enough to handle it if you can!

Have fun with your Harry Potter's!!
Congratulations chick mama!

I had a good ol' laugh about the beak braving - because it takes a fair bit of bravery to stick your hand in there...and it never really hurts when she taps you, it's just the thought that hurts!!!

To upload from your phone open the forum on your phone, go to the reply editor at the bottom of the page and touch the photo icon, the phone tells you how to do the rest - it's super easy!

I don't think you can dust at such a young age, but you can do Mum and she will transfer small amounts to the chicks - they are more annoying than essential to get rid of, so check the label and perhaps wait until they are old enough to handle it if you can!

Have fun with your Harry Potter's!!
started with 10
1 blood ring
1 clear
and 1 I thought was a quitter but was greeted with a 4 day chick when opened shell
1 early quitter

Have 6 going into lockdown tomorrow.
had 4 that were moving around. 1 was too dark and porous to see anything and another was just too dark.

To count my hatch rate would I count all 10 that I begun with? Of course I can't do this until I have a final hatch count. Or would I start with the 6 that go into lockdown?

I can hear your confusion so here is some info....

Percent Fertility is the percentage of fertile eggs of all eggs set.
% Fertility = # of fertile eggs divided by # of total eggs set

Percent Hatchability is the percentage of fertile eggs which actually hatched out as live young.
% Hatchability = # of eggs which hatch out divided by # of fertile eggs

I had 21 eggs that were fertile and 12 chicks in my brooder, so 12 divided by 21 = 0.5714285714.

A 57% hatch rate.

Just to confuse you, this is talking about the number of FERTILE EGGS, not the number that went into lockdown, you have to include the quitters but not the clear eggs. :)


FINALLY they are all asleep! We've left them alone today apart from a quick cuddle because the kids were busting a gut! I'll take some close ups tomorrow, there is one with its down plastered to its head, it looks like it is straight out of the bryl cream era!! Hilarious!

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