September Hatch-A-Long

Are Henny Penny and RJ brother and sister? Sounds like some dilute olive eggs could be in the making. I'll keep your offer in mind, though. We may work something out depending on how it goes this weekend.

Speaking of.....


As you can see, I cut the egg carton sides down quite a bit so if the ones with really stretchy air cells pip low they won't be encumbered. The shelf liner is on the bottom of the bator to help keep things clean and give chicks better footing, and there's a space there cut out where I can insert a straw through one of the vent holes to keep the reservoirs filled. Two hygrometers that I know work and a couple of reliable thermometers that are in sync. Plenty of space for chicks to wander around in, flop out, dry off.

It's all set up and now the hard part is the waiting and keeping out of the way (and out of the bator)

I may be down a Welsummer egg as I had a little butterfingers slip/rap/jolt while moving it during lockdown setup. No shell cracking, but it was a pretty good knock. Darn! That leaves three Welsummers that look good. I'm hoping all 5 hatch and I didn't do too much damage.
It would be nice to have at least a pair of pullets from each breed.

Do well, Little Eggs! You're on the last leg of your journey to chickdom.

good luck! mine go in lockdown tomorrow!


Are they sold as "hatching eggs?" I've been to Trader Joes, but didn't see hatching eggs. Is this just during part of the year, or are they eating eggs that happen to be hatchable?


They're sold as FERTILE eggs. It's a green-topped carton with red print on it. They're eating eggs that happen to be hatchable, usually into a production leghorn, amber white or tetra tint.
Came home from work this evening and I have four Cinnamon Queen pips! Rather early, though, as hatching is scheduled to be Saturday around midnight. Ambitious chicks, I guess. I'll probably have the thundering thumping chicks on the ground tomorrow morning.

Still air holding steady at 101-102 and 65+% humidity.

I have four sex-link pips going. Who wants to guess at how many boys v. girls? Assume all four will hatch and take a guess.....

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