September Hatch-A-Long

Anybody wanna buy a Welsummer roo chick or three?

We have a local monthly chicken swap that it looks like I'll be attending....
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So exciting watching some of the Sept chicks hatching! Congrats!!!

It's early days for us yet, today is Day 8. Trying to control myself and not candle because we candled on Day 5 and I don't want to disturb them too much... we have Easter Egger eggs that were very easy to see into, Ameraucana (blue) eggs that were somewhat harder, and then some Black Copper Marans that left me completely clueless. Several of the ones I could see into did show some spider veining, so we've got our hopes up that at least something will come of this batch

Good luck everyone!
did a day four candle cuz I was too curious on how they were developing. Out of 14 there were 4 clears, and the other 10 looked good. Is a 5:7 ratio of viable eggs good for shipped eggs? and what to do with the clears?
Shipped eggs, they say, it's a good hatch at 50%. That being said, my very first hatch was 85%....and this last one less than 25%.
I think it's another complicated branch of chicken math.

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