September Hatch-A-Long

Well, that didn't work. The air cells are so small that the eggs just lay there on their sides.

Any ideas how to figure out which end is up on these?
Be sure to ask (sweetly, of course) if they have anything fresher in the back.
So after candling results were not up to the wife's satisfaction we take her stethoscope out and listen to the eggs. Eight out of nine have definitely got live ducks in them with six days to go.

That is so cool! I would not have thought of that... now I will have to borrow my mom's stethoscope. That is perfect for those last days when you can't see much!
Did a quick candling today while turning the eggs. day 3 and 7/10 have positive development. the other 3 I am not sure about. Will do another candling either day 7 or 10. then day 18.

I am setting another 6-8 eggs on Friday. Just ordered Silkie eggs last night.
I am excitied about having babies around soon!
Hopefully next year I wont have to incubate anymore eggs. Heard silkies are very broody
Candling results so far!
Out of the first 5 due on the tenth I have 4 left. One was the tiny egg that had no yolk.

Out of the 23 due on the 16th 17 are looking good! 4 were clears and 1 had a blood ring... And one I dropped! I know it happens but it didn't crack all the way through so I put it back in. Hoping it makes it!
this has been the worst hatch ever. My second chick has unabsorbed yolk sack. She's perky but she has that little sack hanging off her belly. Should I leave her in the incubator until it's absorbed? Will it absorb? I've read on here that you can tie it off with dental floss. Anyone else ever dealt with this?
this has been the worst hatch ever. My second chick has unabsorbed yolk sack. She's perky but she has that little sack hanging off her belly. Should I leave her in the incubator until it's absorbed? Will it absorb? I've read on here that you can tie it off with dental floss. Anyone else ever dealt with this?

I have a chicken named lucky this happened to. I left him in the incubator as long as i could for him to absorb it and after about 48 hours it was mostly absorbed so I tied it off and got him to food/water. He is now 7 weeks old... and is a HE. Go figure! The one I had to work the hardest with is a boy!
Hi everyone!! I guess I'm a little slow and still was in the august hatch a thon!!! lol I have 6 blue wyandotte and 8 blue laced red wyandotte eggs going good on day 15 today! My temp wasn't good for the first couple days but had been perfect until after I candled yesterday, checked in on them a couple hrs later and it was at 104
It wasn't there long but not sure what its problem has been this hatch. Temp has been at 100 since I fixed it last night. I'm doing a dry hatch and all the air cells look great this time! I will find out next week how everything did!!
. Good luck to all hatching!

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