September Hatch-A-Long

I guess DH is worried about offending people. I had someone offended that I didn't have a nativity scene up on the tree lot but I had the light up reindeer and snowmen lol Can't please everyone!
Too Cute!!
Day 19 started for me and its got me peering into the bator every few minutes. good thing I got a long work day tomorrow to keep my mind off of them until things start to happen
Just did my 9 Day egg checkup on the incubator, pulled 5. Got to show DH what "The Ring of Death" was. I've got 8 iffy eggs that probably will be pulled next egg checkup (3 on the "well, we'll see but no great hope" and some too dark Marans eggs), BUT there's 15 eggs definitely alive and kicking. Man, they sure didn't like that spotlight on them.

"Pat" and the CQ girls are quite something... they'll eat out of your hand, have quite a repertoire of things they'll consume and are getting BIG and tall. Not quite the cute little fluffy things they were as they're getting feathers and kind of dino awkward. They're a little over 2 weeks old. Pat has feet like a Great Dane puppy...just HUGE. Maybe it's a Marans thing.

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