September Hatch-A-Long


The ones that did make it :)
54 didn't make the first 2 weeks and 48 were killed by I lightning storm. When I got rid of the las 48 they all had dead babies in them. :(
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Maybe it was a bad month. I was trying for a 8-10 pullet flock and got a bunch of scrambled eggs and males. Out of 70+ eggs I think I got 4 bona fide chick chicks.

Of course, it gives you a good excuse to incubate again!
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sorry to hear that Yara! I just sent a friend I met on here the checked eggs,

this incubator that just hatched these eggs

she is getting her eggs on thurs. and her incubator on fri. I hope they ship well I am on the other end of the country. She got these goodies just for being nice.

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