Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good morning, just a short note for now..

the second gosling died last night.. I figured it was going to..

I went to a Native American funeral last night.. my second one.. If you ever have a chance to go to one, do it.. Very interesting event..

Have to go see my cardiologist in a little while.. Semi Annual check up..

coffee is done,, gonna grab a cuppa and head outside to drink it and watch the birds..

patched a couple of holes in the guinea pen.. there were 5 out .. Annie got them back in..
My guineas do lay eggs..

Dr H, I can meet you someplace in the middle on Sunday and collect a few crappies..

I hear you guys about not getting the boat into the water.. what the heII is it about retirement that negates fishing ??

speaking of negates.. do you know that there is a food that turns women off from having sex ?
it is called ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wedding cake ...........

Nice one Jim.........that reminds me of the reason people throw rice after a wedding.........it is to get the groom use to having uncooked food thrown at him........Jim if i have it right you were/are a contractor......you will like this one..... what is the difference between Cowboy boots and engineer boots.....Cowboy boots have the ******** on the out side..........
Nice one Jim.........that reminds me of the reason people throw rice after a wedding.........it is to get the groom use to having uncooked food thrown at him........Jim if i have it right you were/are a contractor......you will like this one..... what is the difference between Cowboy boots and engineer boots.....Cowboy boots have the ******** on the out side..........
Funnier Post!!!!
Ticks are horrible here...ok are guineas the least bit friendly? Might need to add one for tick control with the girls... do they lay eggs at all?
today is the day I pick their brains at work. need to know answers about my last day or what their plans are for me. I hate being pulled around but the paycheck is nice I tell ya! And I am pretty sure that since they changed the job on me, I get unemployment from them.

still trying to meet up with Carol but she is elusive... her work is crazy it sounds like.
Got to meet Rberry last week and she and her husband were so nice to let me browse their rummage for a bit and talk chicken. I did not realize how close we really are. Hope she takes me up on stopping over this summer for a lemonade! Just have to deal with the crazy kids running around.

was exhausted yesterday otherwise I would have gotten more done in my overgrown gardens to prep them for some planting. A neighbor gave me some cattle pannels for growing veggies up..I just need to figure out if it is possible to cut through or bend them to make them smaller!

Oh Dr... Warehouse 13 rocks... we will watch tonight as we DVR'd it! So glad it is back
Sure was great to meet you Thursday and hope to get to your garage sale and take you up on that lemonade this summer. We had an interesting development on Mothers Day, one of our Delawares went broody. Since we are so new to chicken keeping, we collected the eggs she was on Sunday and Monday, but then decided we would get some fertile eggs for her to hatch. After connecting with the Stoughton breeder, we decided to get a dozen Delaware and since two of her hens just went broody we will have her set another clutch of eggs in case this doesn't work out on our end. We could end up with close to 20 birds
Should be a fun summer, since we will be getting about 150 meaties the first part of July, chicks galore

Jim - we're still HIGHLY interested in getting the Sebastopols from you. What color are they, anyways? And are you going to the Chickenstock bash? Should I pick them up then? That's in 2 1/2 weeks, is that okay with you?

Can I get advice on meat chickens, please? What type(s) are better ones to get? Doesn't have to be THEE best, just what are some of the better ones in general?
Hi and welcome PsycoP
we grew our first batches of meaties last year (50 in the spring and 75 in the fall). We had good luck with Cornish Rock Cross. They take about eight weeks to bring to butcher weight. This whole chicken thing is very new to me, I grew up in a family run country grocery store. My hubby grew up on a dairy farm and they had chickens one year but he was so young he only remembers them being cute, so no help there. We learned quite a bit from those first two batches, which is why we are only doing one big batch this year (a wee bit less processing cost) and we will be getting them the first week in July so we can pasture them in last year's veggie garden. We will plant that garden bed specifically for the meaties to eat and fertilize for the 2014 veggie garden. Those are the current plans anyway . . . good luck
good ones,, I know a lot of contractors still at it.. I will use these jokes,,(If I can remember them)

I have the foundation of the greenhouse all figured out and priced out.. I can do it for under $100.oo..

I moved the 2 week old chicks to their new digs.. same building, but I turned them loose to utilize the whole area.. they don't need so much heat anymore.. last night not even one of them slept under the electric brooder.. I turned the temp down a few notches..

Dr appt went well, He gave me at least 6 months to live.. well anyway, that is when my next appt is..

concrete mix is $1.95 on sale at Maynard's .. I can do my lean to coop with about 64 bags.. maybe less.. I have to measure it accurately to make sure.. then I might even do a sidewalk between the lean to pen and the main chicken coop..

I might have to hit a lottery to finance all of this..

when is Father's day ? there usually is a swap in Irma on that Sunday..


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