Will a snood grow back? UPDATED W/PHOTOS


10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
We have a 3-month-old white turkey, feed store white. He's 'brothers' with a bronze feed store turkey. They both have the itty bitty snood that just sticks out, like a hen's. More than a week ago, I noticed his snood was gone. The stump was still there, with a scooped-out area. No blood, no nothing, and no snood. It still looks the same a week later.

What happened???

Will it grow back?
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Well, it figures. The very day I post this question, I go out and see that the stupid turkey IS growing a new snood, only it's really skinny compared to the original. It looks creepy, to be honest, but then i can't say it was anything to look at prior to the snood-snatching.
Yes.. a picture would definetly be nice. Snood napping is not very often seen.

And you do know.. its not the size of the snood. Even a small one can impress the girls
I wish I had a photo of the snood when it looked scooped-out, but it never occurred to me at the time.

But here's a picture of how he looks now:


As you can see, there's a little projection.



He's sure to be the ladies' man.

This is his 'brother', and this is exactly what his snood USED to look like:

I wouldn't think it would "grow back", but like if you have a lobe of your liver removed, what is left in the area can enlarge and "replace" it. It must be terribly embarrassing for that young man though.
My DH says he saw the brown turkey 'mate' with the snood-chopped turkey the other day. How humiliating.
Snoods will elongate and retract, almost to nothing depending on their mood, how they feel etc..... I don't think it would have "grown" back so quickly. How old are they? Palm one looks a little girl y..............

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