Recent content by CuckooChook

  1. CuckooChook

    September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

    I've had to help a few that had bits of membrane stuck to them. It came off as they fluffed up. I've only wiped a chick down once, when it had been super sticky and couldn't fluff at all. They're so cute! I've been trying to decide if I like web or mobile for this forum and I can't decide...
  2. CuckooChook

    September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

    I've been running my butt off lately, so much to do lol! I've got a couple yard eggs in the hatcher, day 21 is tomorrow. The fridge incubator works like a charm! Nice steady temp and keeps my humidity low (I dry hatch) by setting a shallow bowl with a small amount of water in it. I have to...
  3. CuckooChook

    September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

    Oh, what a cutie! Hmm...I had my Marans turn out odd colored as well. Got mine on eBay. Your babies are sweet, though, regardless! Aww! What a tiny thing Oooh, love Svart Honas. Hoping to have a 'Wall' coop established next year and fill it with black breeds lol!! What a bummer.. Hate when...
  4. CuckooChook

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    That would also explain why all 11 that hatched were quite different. Ugh. They are pretty but that's crappy someone can list like that. I'm kind of a newbie (farm kid and grandkid) so live and learn I guess!
  5. CuckooChook

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Interesting. I don't doubt you, I got the hatching eggs on eBay and well, you know I'm sure.
  6. CuckooChook

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    My breeding trio of Blue Splash Wheaten... That was a few weeks ago and they're in the grow-out pen now. I love them so much I bought more hatching eggs lol
  7. CuckooChook

    Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

    I love all the pictures I have two Orpington roos, a 1yo blue and a 5 month old lavender. Roose Bolton Not many pics yet of Viserys, he's a newbie to the farm.
  8. CuckooChook

    September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

    Well I culled the unhatched this afternoon, getting a fan put in my hatcher (it's still air) and the fridge 'bator went great! Should have any wrinkles ironed out before I set five doz or so on the 9th. I have two yard eggs (mixed breed) that need to go into lockdown tonight. Looking forward to...
  9. CuckooChook

    September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

    Yay for more babies! My olive eggs haven't had a single pip. They sure are cute little chicks! I think the mint egg that hatched yesterday was an Easter Egger. I had another Black FCM hatch a little while ago bringing my total to three. I have two yard eggs to lockdown tomorrow so I may put the...
  10. CuckooChook

    September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

    Oh man, I hope not! We did find a nest of rats nearby too so I'm going to get a huge spool of hardware cloth to reinforce everything. Better safe than sorry! I have a livestock vet coming in a little over a week, I think my rabbit is pregnant and I want to make sure all is well. Might as we...
  11. CuckooChook

    September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

    They were 13, going on 14 weeks. I don't put them outside until they're feathered because I'm too paranoid. The grow out pen is going to get a heat lamp this month, I think it's a given up here. I'm a southern girl (NC) so I'm not used to the chilly nights myself yet lol!
  12. CuckooChook

    September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

    I'm not sure how they died. We went to the grow out pen the other morning and both of them and barred rock chick were all dead. Huddle-trampled maybe? It's just started to get chilly at night but I didn't think 50s and upper 40s would be too much for them. (I'm in central MN) I have been trying...
  13. CuckooChook

    September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

    GitaBooks she/he is SO cute! Thanks for the compliments on my Drogo- more on him later... Well last week I had zero hatch. Ugh. I've since recalibrated (temps were too low, I think due to seasonal changes?) and so far yesterday (Friday) had a BCM hatch and a mint green egg (Isbar?) has pipped...
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