Recent content by mac000

  1. mac000 can you afford to feed your chickens

    Chickens can eat whole kernal corn right off the cobb unless they are little or have some particular reason they can't.
  2. mac000

    Little Jon - a little OEG rooster

    I'm enjoying your story. You have quite the flair for writing.
  3. mac000

    Had to share...a girl and a roo

    That photo makes my heart melt.
  4. mac000

    Inbar, the naked chicken-more pics, update pg 15

    She's actually sort of cute, but that rooster - yikes!!
  5. mac000

    Candid game cam pix: and the life of my chickens

    what gorgeous birds! Great pics, too!!!
  6. mac000

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm trying real hard, but my eggs KEEP hatching!
  7. mac000

    How many chickens can I keep in this coop/run?

    I wouldn't go more than 12.
  8. mac000

    New fuzzy butts coming!!

    Congratulations on your new babies coming
  9. mac000

    Constant, loud parties in the brooder

    That's great.
  10. mac000

    JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

    Thanks! Same to you!
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