Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

If I made a rat zapper, it would probably zap everything but rats
My 7 "Barnyard Mixes" from a BYC'er are going into lockdown tonight.

I have a question for you guys! One of the eggs is alive but it's smaller then everybody else? What should I do w/ it? My mom thinks it's just a "Midget" but I dunno? It looks like it's just not growing as fast as the other 6? They were all set of the same day.
The ONLY saving grace at my house is that not all the eggs I put into the incubators (plural) hatch. would be scary, otherwise....

I have a house guest right now, and she is there whilst I am at work. She said she walked around the side of the house and saw my entire flock camped out by the kitchen/back door. "No way," said she, "am I going to go out THAT door without you!"

I got the giggles from that. Awww, come on, my chickens are friendly.

"But I am not YOU, and they might resent it. I don't know where you keep the treats!"

I have now rectified that situation, so she can defend herself with tossed BOSS.
I have a confession to make today. I tried to count my chickens.
Wow! It was hard! I came to a pretty close estimate. I think I have 45.
They are all penned together for winter and they would all hold still and then I would get close to a good count and they would all shift positions. Ok I have another confession to make today..........That is not counting the eggs I have in the incubator or the eggs I have on order, or the chicks I have on order.
Ok thank you, that is all.
You guys make me jealous. I want to hatch SO bad! I REALLY need to work on the DM... Again, she doesn't want me to get roosters.

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