Little Jon - a little OEG rooster

BigDaddy'sGurl :

Your Trudie reminds me of my favorite little hen, Ellie Mae. Sadly, Ellie was killed recently by the neighbor's dog...but I hatched out a few of her eggs and now will hopefully have some little Ellie's!

Beautiful birds and delightful stories!

Sorry to hear about Ellie. The little oeg hens are so sweet. They remind me of that dancing chicken on u-tube....
Post us some pics of the little Ellie's, would love to see!

x2 Keep them coming. Can't get enough!!
thank you! you are so kind. love your website. and yes, from 4 to 50 chickens in 6 months, you cluckify as a junkie

OK, now I know for sure. Do ya think intervention is necessary. lol Thanks for the kudos on the blog. Trying to make it a worthwhile read with value for Chicken Junkies like me. Please come back often.
thanks. The Hoomin has been out of town and there has been plenty of new developments. Update coming soon.
The Hoomin was out of town, and so the chickens of the property decided that this was their chance to get all those 'list of things to do' lists out.

The hoomin called the caretaker and the conversation that ensued was somewhat ridiculous:
hoomin: “how are the chickens”
caretaker: “fine, but they have been making some noise”
hoomin: “what kind of noise? Was it a baaaaaaawk buk buk buk?”
caretaker: “um, more like a koe koe koe”
hoomin: “?bugaawk bugaawk bugaawk?”
caretaker: “yes, koe koe koe”
hoomin: “nevermind”

upon return, the hoomin was at the coop in no time. She quickly did a head count and made sure no-one was walking sideways or green in the face. As soon as the hoomin was satisfied that aliens had not done any experiments on her chickens, she sat down to have a cup of coffee and watch the chicken politics.

Little Jon is getting very good at coming out of the run now. He always does so in a manly fashion! He HAS to fly out and then smack his wings upon landing so everyone knows “the eagle has landed”. His new feathers are coming in strong and he looks less silly than before.

Sarah's chick has finally hatched. The sweetest little thing. The egg belonged to the hoomin's mother and so the chick will eventually go to it's rightful owner, but Sarah reckons that she will die before ANYONE comes near her baby. Out of 8 eggs, only one hatched. The baby is a dutch bantam and is as small as a cricket! Sarah's big butt doesn't help matter much because she spends most of her time looking for chicken little. She can't see him when he's behind her so she calls profusely, only to have him come running. NO-BODY may even look at the baby! She quickly puts them in their place. When the other hens come into the coop to lay an egg, the baby is quickly tucked in under her ample skirt!

This new hatchling is torture for poor Hester. She LOVES babies! She hangs around the other side of the fence to catch a glimps of the new baby. She stares at him all day long. Sarah will have none of it, and has been heard making rude comments to Hester. Little Jon has inspected the offspring and seems pleased........


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