Recent content by Soulshadow

  1. Soulshadow


    Quote: is this part of the egg? or "foreign"???? Part of the egg would mean too much potassium or something along that line. I got a "sandpaper" egg after feeding my girl one too many bananas felt kinda bad, seeing what she had to pass! ouch.... Mostly attached some rubs off.
  2. Soulshadow


    Help$@@!%^& any ideas on this? Particles not moving and sand like.
  3. Soulshadow


    Morning all. Welcome New folks. Mom tell ur lil one Happy Birthday. It's raining here in Belleville.
  4. Soulshadow


    Quote: Whew!! Thank you!! Also, make sure you do some research on the breed characteristics and don't adopt a dog purely based on how it looks. You'd be surprised how many people do that! Good luck looking, your daughter will never forget this Christmas! No worries.. I don't like...
  5. Soulshadow


    Don't worry all NO PET STORES. That was 6 months ago the wife and I already aggreed! Deep breaths all.... hehehe
  6. Soulshadow


    Oh and my best dog was a golden/shep. I miss her! My folks got her for me when I was 12 as a pup she lived a long life.
  7. Soulshadow


    Mom 2em All don't buy- adopt. So many wait for homes... Any pup can grow up to love and protect your daughter- (my little Wubbie will tear in to anything when she is protecting the lap she is in ) I love how she is afraid of the chickens...hahahaha. Labs, Golden Retrievers = great dogs for...
  8. Soulshadow


    All these pics of dogs = / ... my daughter has asked Santa for a puppy for Christmas... I just can't find the right one. I want something lg. enough to protect her, but not eat the cats, rabbits and the CHICKENS!!! so it has to be a young one. We did find a rot pup a while back but that poor...
  9. Soulshadow

    poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

    Legal. 5+acres. were in a township. Even talked to the building insp. ... umm after we had 5 rabbits.
  10. Soulshadow


    No kidding missing day and the many pages that add up. Sorry to all that have had losses this season /hugs. That weekend was a cold one. out of my 8 girls I had 6 eggs total over Sat and Sun, changed rabbit water 3 times a day , chickens were fine. Chicken are spoiled with heated water ...
  11. Soulshadow


    Quote: This sounds good! Quote: Glad to hear your feeling better and warm now.
  12. Soulshadow

    hi yas from Belleville MI area

    Quote: I keep telling myself i'm not! but I want more!!! And Thank You all for the welcomes! We also have a lil site started with some pics. I am working on for my daughter.
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