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  1. Sgtfirstwife

    Cracked Eggs

    I have some Serama eggs in my incubator on day seven. I noticed a couple have cracks in them, but still are viable, with good bloodlines and eye. Is there any way to salvage these eggs? Thx
  2. 3chickchicks

    Cracked egg

    My brahma laid her first egg this morning. I guess it hit the wood floor of the nest box. It has a small crack. Nothing was leaking out of it and I had collected it soon after she laid it then put it in the fridge. Will it be safe to eat tomorrow morning?
  3. BaileyBoy

    Is it worth cracking an egg.

    I have been incubating my eggs for 20 days now and i still don't see any development except for in one egg. They are due to hatch tomorrow. Even though I don't see any development, I also don't smell any wicked smells. Do you think it is worth it to crack an egg open. I literally have RIR eggs...
  4. joecramp

    Cracked Egg

    Hi I just went to turn a egg in the incubator and I noticed one of the eggs was quite badly cracked it was intact and had no signs of fluid leaking but as i'm not experienced I took it out right away and threw it out (It was definately fertile I checked and it was) right away because I was...
  5. vtscapeartist

    Cracked Eggs in Cold Weather appreciated on the cracking egg dilemma. I am raising them for the eggs to eat, not to breed at this point. We don't eat any of the cracked eggs, I cook them up and feed them crushed shell and all back to the ducks and chickens so they are not wasted, but we sure would prefer eating them!
  6. chooky13

    Cracked eggs

    I have an egg with a very slight crack/dent in our incubator, should I take it out or leave in???
  7. VicBerd17

    Egg with little crack on the shell. ?

    My 6 month old pullet laid her egg and it's her first time.I made her a nest for her to lay but she doesn't seem to like it so she laid under the stairs. but when i looked to the eggs it has little crack on the shell. can it still be developed into chick? plss help me.. i want to see the first...
  8. samschick

    cracked eggs

    Hi. We are new to this forum and chickens in general. Hoping somebody can share some wisdom :). Our two chickens just moved into a beautiful new tractor style coop, but unfortunately, when the girls lay their eggs, they are getting cracked on the bottom of the nesting box (particleboard floor in...
  9. dobee13

    Tried everything, eggs still cracking

    Hi all So I've looked thru these boards and googled a lot. But wondering what nuggets of advice I can field here. Eggs are cracking VERY easily. I'm finding them in the coop cracked (they scratch out all and every laying buffer I've put down). When I pick them up and put on the counter, they...
  10. Tivona

    A warning about cracking goose eggs

    This morning I wanted to check the fertility of my girls first egg plus use the egg for french toast. I cracked it on the side of a pyrex glass pan and uhhh...The egg barely showed a crack. The pan however has a if you plan on using your goose eggs for cooking don't crack the egg on...
  11. ECiesielczyk

    Cracked egg

    So I have a broody hen who has been sitting on her eggs for 15 days now. Today when she got up for her daily poop/water run I went in and checked the eggs. One was out of the next, one had a small crack in it and the other two appear fine. Now she has been an awesome hatcher and broody mama in...
  12. joecramp

    I cracked the egg!!! HELP

    Hi I have 11 quail eggs incubating and it day 18 (you stop turning at day 17) I just water candled the eggs and I accidently cracked the shell on one of the eggs! I definately know it's alive because I heard it chirp but this was before it cracked!!! HELP should it hatch?? if it does will it be...
  13. Jessichick

    Egg always cracked in same spot...

    So, my production red had a really rough start to egg laying. But, now that she seems to have it mostly figured out, I've noticed her eggs are always cracked/broken in the exact same spot. At first, I thought the were breaking on the way out, so I added extra padding to the nesting box. Then...
  14. AZ CHICK

    eating cracked eggs

    When i collect eggs sometimes some of them have a small crack but not deep enough for anything to come out.can we keep those eggs and eat them?
  15. landonjacob

    Are cracked eggs edible?

    So my EE laid her first egg today! She scratched all the pine shaving out of the nesting box, which I think resulted in this slight cracking on the top of the egg. I've since changed the bedding to a mixture of pine straw and shavings. Hopefully that will help. My question though, does all...
  16. drayzchickens

    Small Hole and Slight Cracks In Eggs

    HEELLLLPPPP!!!! ~ First: Several of my hens eggs have started having a small hole and some slight cracks in them.. What do I need to do? ~ Second: Two of my hens are laying their eggs on the ground and I have 13 nesting boxes and 8 hens... so its not that they don't have room....What should...
  17. BlackAce

    Cracked egg

    I had a mishap and accidentally knocked over my incubator, I had 8 Cayuga and 8 Rhode Island Reds eggs in there. I lost 1 RIR egg that fell on the floor and I had 2 Cayuga eggs that cracked but didn't didn't lose any fluid from them, the membrane seems to be intact. The Cayugas are on their 10th...
  18. Achelois

    Ew.....cracked open a really bloody egg

    I should have got a photo too, but I was making pancakes, so.... I've had blood spots often enough but this was more than that. It looked like an intact blood vessel, thick at one end and wrapped around two sides of the yolk. The blastodisc was still clearly visible and I don't think it was a...
  19. vymichelle

    Cracked egg!

    Just have to share this experience! I lost my cockerel last year so this year I thought I'd buy some hatching eggs and keep a hen and roo and sell the rest. I went and picked up my eggs - 4 silver sussex and 4 light sussex and when I arrived home I saw one had got cracked on the journey :( I...
  20. Aerielle

    First time broody cracking eggs and eating babies

    I have a first time broody silkie who has cracked one of her eggs and pecked/eaten the chick. The egg had about 5 days left until hatch. I found the little body as she was furiously pecking it. She has two other eggs she is sitting on. Never had this happen before. :( Do you think it was nature...
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