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  1. LaSombra

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    ooh! Shiny new WA thread :D Hey folks!!!
  2. LaSombra

    Chicks And Hatching

    ::working on this page:: Momma Gilly on her nest pipping and zipping rock & roll new hatchlings
  3. LaSombra

    My Flock 4

    Hello, come meet my flock! Thanks for visiting :) These pics were taken in early July ('09), making the older ones 10 wks old and the younger ones about 6 wks old. Gallo, our rooster Here he is as a baby :) ahh... they grow up so fast. Snowflake (left) and Danaerys (right) are my head...
  4. Lasombra Coop

    Lasombra Coop

    Hello, welcome to my coop! It is 9ft x 10ft and built from the back half of the carport next to our shed. Our run is 10ft x 20ft We now have a 2nd coop in the front half of the carport so we have a "chicken duplex." We're planning on making the runs bigger than 10x20 this year also...want to...
  5. LaSombra

    A New Brood

    I bought my first brood of day-old chicks at the end of April 2009 (7 of them) and then started another brood at the end of May (5 more). I've since gotten a few more and have 16 all together. I have 2 roosters and 13 hens currently and am hatching some chicks. My kids have named a few of my...
  6. LaSombra


    wow, it's been a while since I last visited BYC!! So busy lately, but I'm here. LOL Just wanted to stop in and say "hi" My flock is still doing well, although I have lots of broodies right now. (grr) Hope everyone else is doing well around here! Jen
  7. LaSombra


    I want last week's weather back... that was such a nice break and the runs to my coops were almost completely dried up. Still not enough rain to flood it again, but still... loved that weather!
  8. LaSombra


    Happy Easter everyone!!! I've not been around here much lately, but am always thinking of my fellow BYCers Just wanted to stop in and say hi to you all!! I just got ducks this spring I've got 4 Pekins in the bathroom at the moment... about 6 weeks old now. No new chicks this year...
  9. LaSombra


    Quote: I am here. I'm alive and everything... just haven't posted or caught up like I was. Sorry if I worried anyone!! I've been doing a lot of knitting and crochet lately and then on FB, I've been playing my games and not much else... but yes! I'm here...
  10. LaSombra


    man, been busy lately and haven't had the time to catch up on this thread so hopefully I haven't missed anything important...? Yucky rain is back!
  11. LaSombra


    Quote: late coming in here on this, but I won't be able to make it. I'll be up in Olympia for a work training all day Tues/Wed. Very long days... wish I could, though... love Spiffy's cream pie OK, next time ??? Hope you are doing good up on the hill...what kind of work training ? oh...
  12. LaSombra


    Quote: late coming in here on this, but I won't be able to make it. I'll be up in Olympia for a work training all day Tues/Wed. Very long days... wish I could, though... love Spiffy's cream pie
  13. LaSombra


    ...area with the chickens to prepare it for spring planting. This rain is never-ending. Anyway, I really am hoping for a good garden this year *fingers crossed* The wild flower mix from Territorial sounds like a good idea also. I think I will be getting my vegetable seeds from them this...
  14. LaSombra


    Quote: probably the same as me also. I think it's a lot more efficient than "throwing" or whatever they call it that's derived from England. My mom taught me to knit and her mom before her. I think it goes back to Germany. I usually decrease by knitting two together. Another thing you can...
  15. LaSombra


    Quote: If that's true, I think I'll get lots of lavender for my coop it says basil and coriander also... hmmm... I might start mixing that stuff in with my pine shaving now... I have a friend with an herb farm. I bet I could buy some of that stuff in bulk
  16. LaSombra


    Where's the Beef??? (Wendy's) 22 year old dog... Lucky lived a very long life. I've never heard of a dog living that long, especially not a large breed. He must have been a happy boy
  17. LaSombra


    Quote: oh yeah, mine love bananas!
  18. LaSombra


    I think I'm going to make some chili for dinner tonight. It's good chili weather...
  19. LaSombra


    Good morning and Happy New Year, everyone!!! Did anyone watch the space needle fireworks last night? Really nice was on channel 5. It's too cold out there... still. Getting tired of frozen water containers. My chooks love when I bring them warm water in the morning, though... guess it's...
  20. LaSombra


    Quote: That was my first job at that restaurant, making the tortillas by hand from masa. Russ yummmmm... I used to sell homemade tortillas when my mom and I baked for the farmer's market a few years ago... also worked as a server and bartender in a Mexican restaurant. I'll serve up the...
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