I'm not going to just euthanize it, losing a leg is not worth taking its life. I was able to find someone that could care for it until it could get to the rescue center. It is alive and doing well. I'd hate to think someone would take such advice and stop looking for help. I'm glad we didn't...
I've called around and no one (local) is capable of caring for wildlife/waterfowl. I've got a call into a rescue center a few hours away ... just looking for some direction for now
It smells! We were just able to 'catch' it and the smell is strong. There are MAGGOTS. It's still walking and active. We are guessing it's a turtle bite.
My DH has it in a box (the parents left it across the street) and is applying peroxide, hoping to kill the maggots. I'm online trying...
I live in NC and am interested in letting some of my girls inside.
I used to let them on the back porch but it was soon covered in chicken poo ... diapers? Did someone say diapers? Bought? What brand?
Can anyone tell me what this baby is? It's the black one with the black trim on her beak and around her eyes ..
Here, she is just right of center in the front.
And here walking towards me... (black with yellow legs)
Hey Peeps!
My "baby girls" are now 10 weeks old. (I have a mix of silkies and reg size girls). Is it too early to mix with the 4 other girls (and 1 roo)?
They told me they are cramped in their small coop ~ I figured with the unseasonably warm weather, it's a good chance to get them...
"Amazon" shopping today for my 7 year old tom boy ... any cool toys you all know about that my non-princess might love?
I've got Ninja-something legos, tons of clothes, new shoes ("nothing pink mom!") ... but toys? IDK
Good morning!! I am LOVING this weather! But my girls are so confused! At least we are still getting eggs, for now..
wildriverswolf90~ Sorry to hear about the coyotes. My heart breaks that they are so hungry and desperate.
Eeeeekkk!! That roo is "Lilli", my daughter named after herself. We are looking for a different roo, a phoenix. I ordered all females from mypetchicken.com .... Not sure how to handle this ....
Pictures of a few of the biddies ... they are 4 weeks old
What's the white/yellow one? I had thought her to be a buff silkie until she started turning white? Now her "Buttercream" just looks dirty. :) and the other .. is that a roo on the right?!?
and the rest..
How many is ok? I have a 8x8 (remodeled playhouse) Coop and a 20x20 run. How many hens will be comfy there? I was guessing maybe 15... thoughts?
The coup has 6 nesting boxes (we designed the nesting boxes to allow another row of nesting boxes on top), 4 2"x4' roosting staggered roosting...