My geese would not be quiet for almost a week and after checking I found a yellow house cat was bothering the flock and I also went to check on the grow out pin and found this same cat in there but it ran and the next day I found one of the young pullets was dead but this weekend when the geese...
Oh the little guys are growing out of their down it sounds like .....
Miss Lydia is correct take some pictures that way you will always have a record of their growth and it is happening so fact .....
Mine have adults to lead them around and after eating in the morning they tend to go under the sheds or vehicles to stay cool but a shallow pool and only needs to be an inch deep or 25 mm to keep their bottom side cool as much deeper with out an adult supervision could drown .....
sounds like weak leg this has happened to me several times over the years ....
Have you been feeding them goslings scrambled or boiled eggs this will give them a lot of vitamins and minerals otherwise hard to get .....
That is what these goslings are eating in this picture ...
The momma's in the back and the accused papa up front
These are my goslings that hatched this year and they are almost 3 weeks old ......
I do feed my baby's egg's every day for 13 weeks it helps with the feathering .......
This one is almost 4 weeks and by week 12 the...
I would have to say you are getting the body language down .......
This is exactly the way my autistic teenage son treats the ganders and it most defiantly works for him for the last five years but just never back down from them and also remember mating season is almost over for the year ...
Jelly hmmmm you should have a big dark shadow that moves a little with a few vanes somewhere in the egg do you have a photo of the egg being candled ???
Alright you are correct I should have taken some time to explain about
the merrier and its placing number one get an old mirror no need to get
a new one and place it so as no kids can get to it but your goose can
see its self and if you watch your goose will act like a caged bird and
just look...