I have several hens that are going broody and I have been considering buying some eggs to put under them. I would like to try some of the varieties of eggs offered here on BYC . Has anyone done this, or is this a bad idea?
Our Home Depot went out of business so they had the orange safety fence on sale for $10.00 per hundred foot roll. I purchased some and fenced in a couple of acres for my chickens. I purchased 3/4 sch 40 pvc pipe also and cut the pipe 5 foot long and drilled a hole at the top and a foot from the...
My wife has some bird bathe heaters that keep the water from freezing, pug it in and drop into the water bowl and it keeps the water from freezing. Costs $15.00 at wild bird unlimited...
At our TSC Layena has gone up to $15.00 a bag ,so we are getting our feed from a feed mill that uses paper bags... I like the plastic bags as I save them to reuse for storing ear corn and other things.
If you shoot the dog, just be sure you are in the right. Have proof... A judge will look more kindly on you if the coop has a hole nawled in it or some of your girls are mangled or deceased. Otherwise the owners will plead there babies were just being curious and wouldn't hurt anyone. But you...
I too have problems with our local tractor supply supplying my needs that I have had to find another source..... I got tired of the truck always being late, having breakdowns or they order a pallet but only sent 5 bags.... I found a local mom & pop farm store where the owner is eager to supply...
O or 1 would be ideal. I have used both on wild dogs in my neck of the woods and it has plenty of dropping power...Plus it has enough sting to it if its not a lethal shot to scare the dicken's out of them...But if I had a M-16 I would surely enjoying trying it on the band of dogs....
Mine looked real good laying beside the grits with butter, 4 slices of thick bacon and toast with blackberry jelly,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy!!!
I have a three month old turkey hen that has a broke foot at the joint... Anyone have any idea's ? Should I try to make some kind of splint?
Our local vet says to put it down...
I brought some from wolf creek ranch after reading all the stuff they claim. I purchased a 50 lb bag and have used it on my chickens, hogs,turkeys and on my dogs. It won't kill flea's !!! So I am skeptical of the claims...
I have 17 heritage breed turkey poults , so we are covered for all the holidays starting with this thanksgiving... Next summer I hope to have one for a Bar-B-Que on the pig cooker...
Here is a picture of my turkey tractor. It is 14 x20 about 7 feet tall. My poults stay in this for 3 months to imprint on their tiny brains that this is home. They come back throughout the day to eat and get water and roost at night. I lock them in at dark and open the next day... I ordered 12...