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  1. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Still raining hard here too. At least my new roof is holding up *so far*.
  2. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Just let the rest of my chickens out. Still raining a bit and windy, but they were happy to get out. My leghorns have a nice dry coop but they opted to stand in the muddy run and now look very bedraggled. But now all out - hopefully there's some nice bugs around! We didn't lose power except...
  3. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: Ack! Sorry to hear that Cass. I am having my roof reshingled this week and I told DH it would be just my luck that the storm would rip the roof off and I'd have to explain to the insurance company that I 'just happened' to find someone to redo it this week. We have a LOT of trees...
  4. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: I am leaving all mine in for the moment too - they are NOT liking that. One of my coops is a growout coop that I rarely have food or water in, so had to add that. My hens from one coop usually run over and lay their eggs in that one instead of in their own fancy nestboxes (grr), so we...
  5. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: ditto!! it was great!
  6. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: I am so sorry you could not make it.. I came home early but had a ton of fun. Quite a good turnout and great auction items. I got my honey and my hatching eggs. Nice birds too and now I know all sorts of stuff I need to do for my coop. Had fun meeting everyone! Hopefully someone will...
  7. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    ...come right back. Only good thing about living on a main road. Yes, but you don't understand.. living close to all those neighbors means that when TSHTF they will all come and attack you for your supplies. So having those people around is not always a good thing (and yes, *I* am kidding...
  8. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    My DH, as previously noted, is a survivalist nut, so he makes sure we have a whole house generator wherever we were living. When we were in California, it was used a LOT, sometimes for weeks at a time - we were up in the mountains with fires/floods/huge snowstorms and it seemed the power went...
  9. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: Awesome! I have instructions from my friend - I think it's to be cooked for about an hour IIRC. I'll bring instructions and thawed spanakopita. Plus she kindly included the recipe. I am a horrible cook, so I appreciated her help! I am thinking 12ish for us. My hubby is a late...
  10. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Unless I hear otherwise (Like I should cook it there) will bake the spanakopita before coming. Hey, it could be considered an appetizer I guess. I think we'll leave here 11ish and be there 12ish +/-.
  11. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: waaah! tell DH he is a big party pooper. doesn't he want to talk to my DH about his crazy bomb shelter and survivalist stuff? That stinks - here's hoping you can break out the guilt trip! Featherz, my DH will probably be more than happy to talk about the bomb shelter and...
  12. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: waaah! tell DH he is a big party pooper. doesn't he want to talk to my DH about his crazy bomb shelter and survivalist stuff?
  13. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: What is Oxine and what is it used for? And yes, I still need 2 dozen eating eggs. I'll pay for them. Will bring eggs then. And Oxine is a pricey disinfectant but some on here are also using it as a 'miracle' treatment by fogging the birds and putting it in the water, etc. It's also...
  14. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: OMG! Oxine would be great! I have been wating to order some but just haven't gotton around to it. Just so everyone knows: Snacks, etc until 3:30 then time for FOOD! Hoping for a campfire after eating, with S'mores of course. The pool (cold ) will be open, bring suits and towels...
  15. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Hey, been pondering what to bring for the auction.. How about an extra gallon of Oxine? Had to buy two to save on shipping and I haven't even made a dent in the first one. Great stuff! Cass, do you still need eating eggs? Have plenty!
  16. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: Oh no! I hope you can still come . Storm is predicted Sunday here, but seems to not be coming on quite that strong here. We shall see.
  17. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: I had hoped to have something - chicks, eggs, etc, but the chickens were not willing. Hmm. I'll ponder it today and let you know by tomorrow!
  18. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Is anyone bringing hatching eggs they would like to sell/trade? I don't need a whole dozen, just four or five. InHisService donated the last five eggs to my first broody and now my other frequently broody wants a chick also. Anything will do, just as long as they are chicken eggs (no facilities...
  19. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    Quote: LOL no, I just gave a pile of NN roos away. My EE roo doesn't tolerate any testosterone in his zone. I have a little BO roo (still pretty tiny at 12 weeks old) in the next coop over that keeps his distance and has so far kept all his feathers. Mohawk chick is back under mom. It's...
  20. featherz

    Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

    I caught a skunk this morning!! Anyone want me to bring him to the party? Are ya sure? And in no way are my NN scary..
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