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  1. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Hello everyone- Had a few scary days in the hospital being monitored- BP spiked. I am off work now and BP is stabilized. Babe had a growth ultrasound yesterday- 4 pounds! At 32 weeks! That is an important milestone for development and health. I am on 2X weekly visits and a weekly...
  2. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Alright, I have hit the 30-31 week mark. I am FREAKED by some of the movements. I think- is she having seizures in there? It feels like she has six arms they way she beats me internally!!! Anyone else having this? Bp still low. no sigs of pre-eclampsia!! god just get me past 33 weeks...
  3. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Oh Turbo! NG tubes are No Fun At All.... but I'd be surprised if a wee one that early didn't have a bit of jaundice. Don;t worry, you'll have a glowing space baby for a few weeks and he;ll be grand. ULTRASOUND TODAY.... good growth curve! Good measurements! SHe looks healthy and happy.... I am...
  4. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Oh congratulations!! I am so happy he made it into the world and he sounds like he is FABULOUS for a 33 week baby!! Take care and good luck on the feeding issues!!
  5. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Congrats and good work ladies! I am jealous and anticipating the sweet cuddly babyhead smelling times that await you!!! It's a GIRL!!!! Did I say that yet? I am naming her Cordelia and need a middle name. At 27-28 weeks somewhere (next ultrasound to measure growth and uterine blood flow is...
  6. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Kellyhm- Go baby go!!!! Thanks to everyone for the support. He just got home and went straight to bed. I am sitting here feeling like a scab has been ripped off my heart. Just sucks. I know it takes time to get over being dumped but geez it hurts hard at first. We've been together since we...
  7. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!! He is sick of the farm and the animals. He told me he resents me. That he loves me but can't take all the work and the farm anymore. Um, *I* do the farm work. He did help the neighbors build me a fence, but *they* brought the fencing, skills, and know-how. He grumbled and complained...
  8. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Oh GA chckngirl, Olivia is just precious! I am so HAPPY that your docs took your Pre E seriously. She is such a delicate pretty wee bean! On my plate, found out the baby is another record will be 4 daughters and one son. My boy is less than thrilled. I have picked out a name...
  9. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    kellyHM, don't tell her things like "you can have another one" or that "This was probably a blessing." I have been told both many times and NO ONE suffering a miscarriage finds those two statements helpful. Just tell you you are sorry and you care for her and you want to do whatever you can to...
  10. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Mother... I'll join you.. if I don't have a boy this time around I'll have to try for another... my son wants a BROTHER...
  11. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Quote: i did have PreE, but I will not go into what happened. You need positive energy. Being on your feet has nothing to do with it. EAT PROTEIN. Get your doc to TRACK THIS, get a 24 hour urine collection NOW. You would probably not be indiced if you get PreE (and it certianly sounds like...
  12. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!! there. Well guys, I am still hanging in there. It is a lot more reassuring now that I can feel baby kick. Had the ultrasound, everything is *AOK* We did not find out the gender. Everyone seems ticked... I am just happy. 22 weeks, no preeclampsia. I have an ultrasound in a few weeks...
  13. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Shadowhills, PLEASE make sure they are checking your blood pressure, checking your urine for protein, and that you don;t gain more than a few pounds in a week. My midwives ignored my BP and weght gain and it had tragic outcomes. Ultrasound showed a healthy, happy baby, 21 weeks along, 12...
  14. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    No redhen, you're not impatient. I know the struggle of waiting and not knowing for a while what the news is. It's frustrating because it is RIGHT THERE in your OWN BODY and yet.... we don't know. Just hold on and keep trying. I am still injecting lovenox 2X daily, baby aspirin, folic acid...
  15. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Shadowhills Farm 26th june ebwy 9th July gpamela3499 July 15th GAChknGirl 12 August littlefarm_bighappy Last week Oct (dates are guesses)
  16. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Redhen- The biggest hurdle is over, there is a little fellow in there implanted and dividing. I'm still pulling and believing for you. My biggest thing... I FEEL BABY. It's a lot better now that I can feel the wee creature, up to now I was going in for doppler heartbeats every week. THe...
  17. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    CONGRATS REDHEN!! IVF is such a hard process, some of my relatives went through it. I am so happy its WORKED!!! Still hanging on here- Lovenox injections 2X daily. Now at 21-22 weeks. Hard to believe there are some babies born @ 23 weeks that live. Stay put and good for 10 more weeks and...
  18. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Oh guys, wow, I am into the realm of high risk. I am scared to death. I have had 4 losses- 6 wks, 9 wks, 16 wks, 34 weeks. Turns out I have anticardiolipin antibodies.... can cause blood clots between the placenta and uterus. I'm giving my self shots with blood thinners... $400 a month and...
  19. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    I'm 16+ weeks along and I WADDLE and WIGGLE and have a BELLY. After eight pregnancies (The last one ending Oct 7th, what do you expect) Had a quick check today , still a happy heartbeat, cross your fingers for me. Happy good night to all you wonderful mamas.... your body is now an...
  20. littlefarm_bighappy

    I cant believe its been a year!!

    Oh but Mrs TURBO! Don't you know we have to save all the money for bombing the Middle East! *sigh* As one who holds Irish citizenship as well as US, I thank and pray for the care option i have..... go to Ireland and get the National Health from the UK. I had my first trimester scan.. IT"S GOOD...
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