I cant believe its been a year!!

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I never have gotten the linea negra. I'm super pale, idk!

16w6d, I have an appt tomorrow and they should schedule my anatomy scan. We're very excited to find out the sex.

SF, my dh lost his job (and so his insurance) like a week an a half before I found out I was pregnant. So I have to use pregnancy medicaid and go to the free clinic. The nurse is rude and it's embarrassing. I keep hoping they'll label me high risk so I can get to my actual OB, otherwise I have to wait till 36 weeks!. Blah. I'm praying that I'll get to do my u/s through my OB, I really do NOT want to do it there. Their equipment is ancient.
going through pregnancy with an unemployed other half is difficult, isn't it? I want to buy all the nice stuff for my baby but I can't afford it so he gets the cheap stuff. I know it won't matter to him, but it just feels so unfair!
That is just sad they treat people that way. Our insurance is a little over $800 a month and then we pay copays and 20%. Last 2 babies were 4 and 5 thoushand out of pocket! It is just crazy the way health care is handled in America. My husband had a stress test and we had to pay $989 of it!!!! I don't know how much longer we can afford our insurance.
Why oh why do we pay for insurance??? I hate it! I wish the rude people would get a dose of reality.
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Oh but Mrs TURBO! Don't you know we have to save all the money for bombing the Middle East! *sigh* As one who holds Irish citizenship as well as US, I thank and pray for the care option i have..... go to Ireland and get the National Health from the UK.

I had my first trimester scan.. IT"S GOOD ! It's GOOOOOD!

Babe was so active, bouncing, happy, sweet little thing, we saw it's wee fingers and toes. Placenta looks good.... no hint of that horrible placental hemmorhage that took baby #7...

I'm just a poor working shlep, but walking in with my my State employee health insurance card, I felt like royalty.. access to the best doctors and care.... and I actually feel guilty because I am worrying about those mamas who have to go across the the street to the other hospital, where I have heard HORRIBLE stories about how they treat mothers.
I am eternally grateful for the NHS! yes, it has it's problems but I know that if I have an emergency I don't have to worry about the costs.

littlefarm_bighappy, I'm glad your scan was a good one!

**edited to explain "NHS" is National Health Service**
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Got my second hcg beta back today, it was just over 19,000 so lookin good! I go in on monday for my ultrasound to see how many are in there and the due date
I'm 6 weeks today. Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound to see how many are in there. I'm nervous becasue of the higher than normal HCG levels. I'll update tomorrow after the ultrasound. I had a dream there were 4!!! I guess that is what I get for watching tv shows on multiples. LOL
I'm not pregnant, but my S.O. is! She's having our little girl, just came into her third trimester. She's due Aug 2, her birthdate is Aug 8. I'd laugh [and cry] if they shared a birthday. One less day to worry about throughout the year to forget, baha!

Is it normal to be this super-duper-excited over it? I'm like a giddy school girl and my family is tired of listening to me yap on and on about the baby. -shrug-
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