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  1. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Hooray! School is over!!! I'm a nurse!!! I cant tell you all how much better I feel! Lazy day today doing absolutely NOTHING, but tmrw I can finally get back to my workouts and hope to shed more weight! I did lose two lbs this week but I think it was because I was stressing and had some IBS...
  2. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Wow, I'm am so glad to see all of those that are still in this, and all the newbies!!! As far as I am concerned, I've only lost 1 pound since last time I posted, and my next step is to get back in the 130's!!! I am happy to be where I am even, I havent seen 140 in probably 6 years! I'm almost...
  3. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Sorry to have been gone, school has been crazy (near failing my last semester!) so I've been busy with that. However tonight since my christmas babies are almost 16 weekswe decided to put them out with the big kids and it didn't go great so I figured it was time to check in with BYC and I...
  4. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    good job Rodriguez!!! I'm down 14 pounds total (we went to shadymaple this week and I was OFF the whole week since) so I've only lost about 3 lbs this month but I'll take it. I also started doing jillians 30 day shred and love it but it caused me to gain some weight too. Muscle I'm sure but its...
  5. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    WOW! You look really small for that wt!!! You must be tall! LOL darn lucky tall ones... grrrrr ;-) If I were that weight I would round out your mirror beyond the picture! No joke! That's what I get for being shorty short short. LOL Well congrats on the loss so far and keep it up!
  6. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    pampered, is that you in your avatar? You don't look like you have 30lb to lose!!! Girl you're down right pretty! :-) Just thought would like to hear my thoughts out loud :-) I just read some GREAT reviews on Jillians 30day shred, has anyone done it? It sounds like it's a butt kicker...and in 20...
  7. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Mattemma, my DH started out doing the same thing (I was 30 b overweight, he was close to 65 mind you...) and then after about 3 weeks in...he continued to make fun, but in a different way "you're losing your butt" etc...and then he joined on with me! And he's lost 23 pounds since the 2nd week of...
  8. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    welcome old time gator!!! This thread is not near as busy as it has been, but there are still some of us around sticking with this! Making this the New years resolution going into the middle of it's third month!!! Many of us are doing just what you said, eating better, and more activity. I know...
  9. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Great job A1! (love the name btw) What's your secret? Pampered, that's about where I am too. had a week or two with maybe only half a pound, but it's been 5 weeks since I haven't lost so as long as it keeps coming off I'm ok with that! And the weather around here is finally starting to get...
  10. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    WOW! I've been busy and I thought I would be the one slacking!!! This thread has DIED! Noone but me has posted for 9 days!!! Well I hope you all are still eating well etc and just quit posting and not the diets!!!
  11. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    I don't know about the Total you're talking about, but I've always liked regular Total...? I just played wii fit for half an hour and burned 102 cal there, then I got on the elliptical during the first hour of biggest loser and burnt another 565! Woo hooo over 650 calories in an hour and a...
  12. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Didn't somebody on here tell me they really liked EA active? Well I couldnt decide what to get so we had gotten Wii Fit Plus AND EA Active! I had been doing wii fit plus and really liking it with all the games and activities and such but I have to say I wasn't really impressed with the "burn"...
  13. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    been very busy with school work and only went FAR over pts one night bc I caved and got a mcflurry from mcdonalds (big mistake!) weighed yesterday morning and back up to 158.5! ugh!!! Not had time to excersise and havent been feeling well to top it off. but tonight I'm studying for an early test...
  14. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    ...I are going rollerskating and he can finally pick up his pair of skates from his birthday a month and a half ago! He's finally well enough to go! *knock on wood* I didnt check in yesterday after I weighed, it wasn't as bad as I thought but I didn't lose either. Just maintained my 147. I hope...
  15. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Hooray for lent starting soon! Even more motivation to eat well and boy do I need it this week! I haven't eaten AWFULLY (except DH and I did have choc fondue on Vday), I've just apparently been eating a lot of high fat content, not tracking much, and not excersising much. I weigh in tmrw and...
  16. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Quote: I remember when reading this thinking how much that would suck. Fast forward two days Guess who's fireplace is suddenly not working and we're at a high of 28 today. AWESOME. And we live in the basement part of a house sooooo the fireplace was our only source of heat and dehumidifying...
  17. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Thanks Debi :-) I wanted to tell you all about my workout or err lack of! LOL Yet I'm still giving myself 4 activity points ha ha I had planned on working out hard on my elliptical tonight and still may... but after we shoveled for half an hour we decided to go for a walk over the feidls and...
  18. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    Vfem, me too, although after all that I can't believe it... I still lost a pound! However I have to say vfem, the one thing I did last night that I don't normally do, normally I have some sort of snack before bed even if it's a healthy one (popcorn or fruit or something) and last night dinner...
  19. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    I need a major kick in the butt! I've been snowed in since 5pm with no school work looming over me, and tonight is the first night I have watched biggest loser and not apent an hr of it on my elliptical :-( I just have no motivation and even feeling like poo wasnt enough. I ate terribly all week...
  20. sangel4you

    Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

    dont worry chicky, I didnt lose this week either, actually I feel like I've gained a bit. Two weeks with next to no excersise has REALLY slowed my loss down!
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