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  • Users: Juise
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  1. Juise

    Is Road Salt Safe?

    I almost slipped on an icy patch in the driveway today, so without giving it any thought, I went in, grabbed the road salt, and scattered it over the icy patch. When I went back out later and walked past the area, the combination of salt and chicken prints all over the snow struck an alarm in my...
  2. Juise

    Winter Ventilation, and Drafts

    Not that I killed any of my chickens last Winter, but I am about to close off the warmer weather ventilation and I want to make sure I am doing it right. :) All of our ventilation is up at the tops of the walls, between the walls and the roof. The coop is 12 foot by 8 foot, and we have 11...
  3. Juise

    Roost Height and Bumblefoot

    Hello all, I am putting a new roost in our coop before Winter here, right now the chickens are split between two smaller roosts and I would like them all to be able to be together on one. Unlike the current roosts, this one I am attaching to the walls and building a raised poop board for, so I...
  4. Juise

    Treating with Ivermectin

    Ivermectin Pour-on. I picked it up today to treat my chickens for lice and mites, I am going to treat tonight assuming I can get this worked out. There seems to be conflicting information all over the place. This seems to be the most accepted standards I could find, agreed? 1 drop - OEGB sized...
  5. Juise

    Dusting Chickens With DE?

    Our chickens have got lice and / or mites (I'm not sure exactly how to tell the difference, but as far as I can tell the treatments are the same anyway,) and I wanted to try DE before buying anything chemical. I know some people swear by it, and some people say it does nothing, some say it helps...
  6. Juise

    Non-Dominant Rooster Questions...

    Our second batch of chickens are approaching 20 weeks. One out of 6 has started laying so far, and one is very obviously a spur-growin' loud crowin' hen mountin' rooster, he's a mutt. 2 of them are leghorns, and while all 6 are around the same age, (within a few weeks anyway,) one developed...
  7. Juise

    Kicking Bedding Out Of New Nest Boxes?

    Hey all, I recently replaced our old wire nest boxes with bigger wooden ones. They are in the same place, and they are laying eggs in them, but they keep knocking all the straw out! Some of the eggs I have been collecting were cracked because they dropped right onto the wood bottom. I made the...
  8. Juise

    Layer feed at 15 weeks?

    I have a bit of an issue, I will try not to make it confusing. I have 5 adult hens, 5 little pullets, and 1 little roo. I planned on putting all of them on flock raiser ( / grower feed) when I integrated them, with calcium supplements available to the big girls. I ordered a bag through our...
  9. Juise

    Moving Nest Boxes Higher?

    I am doing some reworking in the coop, and I would like to add a cabinet to store feed / scratch / straw. I would like to keep as much floor space open as possible, though, so I was thinking about moving the nest boxes on top of the cabinet. So far, their nest boxes have been on the ground. To...
  10. Juise

    Roost with Elevated Poop Board Designs

    Apologies if this is out there already, but all I get is an error when I try to search. I am going to be building a new roost in our coop, and would like to go with a poop board this time around, and one I don't have to bend over to clean. I plan on hanging their food and water underneath. I am...
  11. Juise

    What's wrong with this eye?

    Hi all, we recently bought 6 new chickens, all about 5 weeks old. We've had them a couple weeks now, and I noticed the other day that this one's right eye looked a bit pink and swollen. I thought perhaps she's received a peck, her nose and left eye all look fine, and I haven't seen any dropping...
  12. Juise

    No Food / Water inside Coop Over Night?

    Hey guys, I have a large coop for our year old chickens, and have always had food and water in there with them. We have recently bought 6 new chicks, they are around 5 weeks old, and I build a tractor for them and fenced in an area to keep them quarantined to the best of my ability from our...
  13. Juise

    Can I leave the coop door open all night?

    Hi guys, I put a coat of paint on one of the inside walls of my coop earlier today, then left it open all evening. I shut them in at nightfall, but when I came back in an hour or so later (because I decided to add a golf ball to temp them to their new nesting box I added today also,) if...
  14. Juise

    What Do You Think of These Breeds Together?

    We have 5 chickens, all 1 year old, right now. We have 1 Black Star, 2 New Hampshire Reds, and 2 Isa Browns. We are going to be adding 5 more chickens in a couple weeks, all 8 - 10 week chicks. We will be quarantining them for the first month, but our chickens free range, and they will be...
  15. Juise

    Egg / Breed / Size / Purpose Chart?

    I once saw a chart linked up on BYC that was very nice, I thought it was a BYC chart, but it could have been a link to an outside site. Now that I really want to reference it, I can't find it anywhere! It had a picture and breed name of each chicken down one side, then next to each it listed...
  16. Juise

    Where The Heck To Find A Micro-Pore Mask?

    I have been looking all over the place for a micro-pore face mask that I saw recommended for cleaning the coop. Our hardware store didn't have any, and nor did our TSC. Is this what it is called? Am I looking for the right thing?
  17. Juise

    Question about Quarantining

    I am soon going to be picking up 5 new 8 - 10 week old chicks from a farm hatchery. I was wondering, is it safe to coop them in a separate barn that shares a wall for their period of quarantine? The wall between is solid with no holes leading from one to the other. How long do you quarantine...
  18. Juise

    To Quarantine, or Not to Quarantine?

    Hey all, I'm trying to get everything possible figured out before picking up our new 8 - 10 week chicks in a few weeks. So I have yet another question. I have read a lot about quarantining new adult birds, and I have read a lot, (and gotten some very helpful advice here!) about integrating...
  19. Juise

    Keeping the Water Clean

    We bought a heated base to set the chicken water on for the winter so it wouldn't freeze, but that means you can't suspend the waterer, and the blasted chickens keep filling it with dirt and straw! I tried setting the entire base on raised blocks, and I am constantly pulling the dirt and straw...
  20. Juise

    Oyster Shell Equivalent?

    I am going to be switching all my chickens over to flock raiser when my new chicks become integrated, and I have been told that I should also then offer oyster shells on the side for my layers. First of all, do I need to make these inaccessible to the younger chickens? And also, is there...
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