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  1. ChickenGeek_101

    I need some help ruling this out

    The other day I found one of my hens fluffed up and sleeping in the middle of the day. I picked her up to check her out and noticed her crop was mushy. I separated her, gave her food and water. she drank normally and was fine afterwards. The next day she look/acted normal. The next day she came...
  2. ChickenGeek_101

    Questions about Guinea Fowl...

    I am known as the "Bird Lady" in my family. Any questions they have about poultry I'm the go to for answers. I don't always know the answers... especially if it's about Guineas. I hardly knew anything about them until a few weeks ago i got asked by my grandparents if chickens would eat the bugs...
  3. ChickenGeek_101

    Chick Emergency. Need some advice please!

    I need some advice!! I went away for the weekend, and one of my hens was expecting 2 more eggs to hatch. When i checked them for the last time before I left Friday night noticed the last egg had started piping when momma moved. I just got back home a little while ago and when i checked on them...
  4. ChickenGeek_101

    Need help identifying the breeds

    I have 2 chickens a hen and a rooster i would like to find out what breed they are. They're both a year old, and are mature! Harper just started laying beautiful brown eggs. Brown & black is Harper, and Harvey is the mostly white one.
  5. ChickenGeek_101

    Duck with foam like bubbles on his eye.

    I have a drake that's 11 months old, i went out to let the flock out this morning and noticed something white on his eye so I caught him, and saw foam like bubbles on it. I separated him immediately from the rest. Other then having to rely on his right eye to see, he's acting normal. I'm...
  6. ChickenGeek_101

    Where do I start?

    I'm usually here on the chickens & ducks side of things, but I've been have seriously thinking about adding quails to the mix soon! It will still be a month or two before I'm able to get things set up. at the moment I'm the middle of moving, just thought maybe i should have a few questions...
  7. ChickenGeek_101

    Hen with respiratory symptoms!

    I have an old English game bantam/serama, i don't know how old she is, a neighbor gave her and a small flock to me back in spring, anyways, she start molting about a month ago, temperatures here started cooling down about a week ago, and around that time i noticed her fluffed up and not...
  8. ChickenGeek_101

    Weird bump on eyelids...

    ...been doing really good, yesterday noticed the Speckled Sussex had a bump on her eyelid. Last night while holding my black Astrolorp, I noticed she has the same thing. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance *I noticed this morning a couple other chickens has it too*
  9. ChickenGeek_101

    Weird bump on eyelids...

    I have a flock of about 40 chickens and 3 ducks. 2 of my pullets a Black Astrolorp who is 6 months old and a Speckled Sussex who is 5 months old, they've been doing really good, today I noticed the Speckled Sussex had a bump on her eyelid. Just now while holding my black Astrolorp, I noticed...
  10. ChickenGeek_101

    Coccidia in chickens

    So I a flock of 48 chickens, and 3 ducks. I've lost about 5 or 6 in the last 2-3 weeks. One by one. The one I lost yesterday, she was a turkin, she had been a little weak for about a month. When I noticed her, I had her separated from the rest of the flock and was giving her some medicated...
  11. ChickenGeek_101


    So I posted the other day about my light Brahma pullet having issues then passing the following morning. After a few days of thinking about it almost constantly, fireworks keep coming to mind. So my main question is, Can fireworks kill chickens? She was fine 4th of July morning, I didn't...
  12. ChickenGeek_101

    Don't know what's wrong...

    So its 4th of July, I'm out for the day with my family. I came home about 2 hours ago. I went to check on the chickens shortly after, and found my 4 month old Light Brahma pullet laying in a corner. I stood her up, but she just fell over. So I immediately brought her in the house and checked...
  13. ChickenGeek_101

    Chickens and ducks behavior changing

    So I have a flock of 19 big chickens and 43 chicks... Almost 3 weeks ago one of my OEG bantam went broody, then 1week ago another one went broody. Last week I moved the chicks out to a broody box in the coop. Earlier I went out to gather eggs and then found another broody hen. (One of which I...
  14. ChickenGeek_101

    Drying out combs

    So I have question about preventing frostbite/drying out combs. Can I use Chopstick? Any other things I could use?
  15. ChickenGeek_101

    Light Brahma chicks

    So I thought I had a light Brahma, but then today I bought one but the chick that I got today compared to the one that's about a week and a half it's 4 differences. 1: comb 2: coloring 3: one has 5 toes 4: fluffy cheeks Any idea what breed she might be? Should I wait for a couple more weeks...
  16. ChickenGeek_101

    Hatching raising and selling.

    First of all I'm not sure if this is the right place but oh well. Anyways. I'm wanting to get into hatching ,raising and selling chickens and maybe turkeys or ducks. (Emus is possible) I'm almost 17 so I'm starting to figure out what to do when I graduate from high school. My parents say I'm not...
  17. ChickenGeek_101

    Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

    So in the 34 chicks that I got the other day, I got 3 Blue laced red Wyandottes. Sadly I lost one this morning, but the other 2 are fine. Anyways the 2 I still have 1 is darker (much darker) then the other one. So my question is, could that mean I have a roo and pullet?
  18. ChickenGeek_101

    Black french Copper Mayans..

    I got 3 copper marans from Rural King for .99¢ each I initially bought 34 (all for 99¢ each) so ended up paying around $35.00 so with that if I had ordered them from Murray McMurray Hatchery then the money I spent on 34 chicks I could have used to order only 3 Black French Copper Marans at...
  19. ChickenGeek_101

    Guess the chick breed!

    Hey guys I'm back! It's been a little while! So last night my grandparents bought us 35 chicks. (I do know what breed they are but just wanted to play a game!) Anyways let's get started #1 I will choose a winner at the end once we get through all 34 chicks! (Sadly one passed little while...
  20. ChickenGeek_101

    Kerosene or gas....

    So last night I forgot to fix something on my chicken coop and my chickens were able to get out this morning before I got up. When I went out, I fed them, then left for church. Well after I got home I was watching my new ducks and my little sisters brought me my black old English game bantam...
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