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  1. chickencrazy429

    Swollen Head Syndrome??? Please help!!!

    Hello! This past day my BO hen, Omelette, head swelled up. It is just her left side that is swelled. She was perfectly normal all day and I'm pretty sure she didn't go anywhere she normally doesn't. Even with her swollen head she is still eating, drinking, pooping, and functioning totally...
  2. chickencrazy429

    Swollen Head Syndrome??? Please help!!!

    Hello! This past day my BO hen, Omelette, head swelled up. It is just her left side that is swelled. She was perfectly normal all day and I'm pretty sure she didn't go anywhere she normally doesn't. Even with her swollen head she is still eating, drinking, pooping, and functioning totally...
  3. chickencrazy429

    Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's Chicken Chat Thread! (ORIGINAL)

    Please Read First A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum. B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages. C) I promise...
  4. chickencrazy429

    Uncomfortable Looking Chicken

    Hello all! I have an Easter Egger named Hazel that's two years old. About a couple days before she started waddling around uncomfortably and being lethargic. Almost like she had to lay an egg. I figured it would just pass over and she would be ok. The next morning she came out of the coop and...
  5. chickencrazy429

    Buff Orpington hen

    Hi! I have 7 hens, two of each breed except for a Buff Orpington. She gets picked on, and kinda needs a buddy... Does anyone have a Buff Orpington hen that they are willing to sell or looking to rehome? I said $20 as a price I would be willing to spend, but not much higher... My hens are all...
  6. chickencrazy429

    Fencing for chickens

    Hello! I had a quick question about fencing for my chickens. Recently, they've been making their way up to the neighbor's bird feeder (it's on the the property line between my property and their's) and I talked to them, and they said they actually enjoyed the chickens! But then my hens started...
  7. chickencrazy429


    Lately, a lot of people have been leaving BYC. I'm not sure why because BYC has pretty much the best mods in the world. They delete spam quickly, host awesome contests, and interact with us! SO I think that we need to give them a little more appreciation... So this is a thread to appreciate...
  8. chickencrazy429

    Runny poop!!! Please help!!!!

    Ok, first to start off, I hope that this is in the right section.... So lately my one EE (named Hazel) has been having runny poop. I have waited a bit to see if it has passed by, and it just hasn't passed. Her vent feathers have some on it, so they are getting kind of yucky, but she is...
  9. chickencrazy429


    Well.... we all know what season is sneaking up on us!!! Chick season!!! Recently my local feed store just sent me a chick order form.... OH MY GOODNESS. Now I have chick-fever!!! Currently I have 7 chickens, When I got my four last spring I told myself that that will be enough for a bit (a lie...
  10. chickencrazy429

    PLEASE HELP! A bit too much mucus???

    Hi all.... Today I called my chickens in and I noticed that my one BR was running with her mouth wide open. Her name is Hedwig and she is 7 months old--yes she lays eggs. Anyways-- I didn't really pay too much attention to it, but then she just left her mouth open. After bit, her face looked a...
  11. chickencrazy429

    Question!!! 8 months and no eggs.....???? :/ HELP!

    Hi all!! Towards the end of March I got two Easter Eggers. They were both day olds--both from the same hatch. One I named Hazel and one I named Pippy. So Hazel started laying beautiful green/blue color eggs around mid-September. I thought "Yay! Pippy will start laying as well!" Well here I am in...
  12. chickencrazy429

    Chickens in the fall! PICTURE PROJECT!! Post fall pictures of your chickens!!!

    Hi!! This is a picture project called Chickens in the fall.This is just a thread where you post pictures of your chickens in the fall!! Fall= perfect lighting, colorful leaves, and crisp cool mornings! Pick your best pictures (or your worst ones, doesn't matter...) and post away!! NOTE-- No...
  13. chickencrazy429

    Water Heaters!!!! Are they really worth it??

    Hello, I've been looking into getting water heaters for my flock this year... I found this one on Stromberg's, but the price was CRAZY!! Here it is: I need one that works with a plastic base, because plastic...
  14. chickencrazy429

    Just had my first egg!! SO EXCITED!! :D

    My Buff Orpington named Omelette just laid her first egg today! She was five months on the dot!! We have three other laying hens, so I have gotten a first first egg-- but still how exciting!! She was the first of my batch to start laying.... :) The right one is Bisquick's jumbo egg...
  15. chickencrazy429

    [~*+~My chickens' journal!!!!!!!~+*~] Please read!!!!!

    Hello!!! This is my chickens' journal! I have seven, so one will write each day of the week then a conversation will follow. I might skip a couple days cause I forget.... :P So sorry..... Here is the weekly schedule: Sunday: Bisquick Monday: Buttermilk Tuesday: Snap Wednesday: Omelette...
  16. chickencrazy429


    ...cross paths, and my hens would chase them off. They're kind of aggressive hens too.... I wanted to try the theory cause it sounded like a quick and *almost* painless integration process if it worked. But I know that it's a total gamble. Should I try it?! If you have done that then PLEASE let...
  17. chickencrazy429

    Please help me with defining this comb!!!!!

    I have an EE (Hazel) and she has a different comb than her sister (Pippy). I have only had single combed chickens before these two... So I was wondering if you could help me with defining their combs.... Here is Hazel's: Walnut maybe??? Here is Pippy's: Pea comb???
  18. chickencrazy429


    Ok so I have a hen (Buttermilk) that's around three... I got her from someone who didn't want them anymore and I just assumed her and her sister (Bisquick) were New Hampshire Reds since they weren't as dark as Rhode Island Reds.... But this year I'm going to show Buttermilk and I need to know...
  19. chickencrazy429

    PLEASE HELP!!! Hen lethargic!!!!

    Hi! I have 7 chickens... The four younger ones are separated from the three older ones cause the younger ones aren't old enough to live with the hens.... So really I have three hens in one coop. My one hen, Buttermilk, is a big talker, she is always moving and quick to get out the door of the...
  20. chickencrazy429

    ***CHICKENGRAM!!!! (The Instagram for chickens!!!)***

    This is called ChickenGram. Many of you know what Instagram is, but if you don't, it is an app for your smart phone and you can post pictures, follow people, and like and comment on pictures.... Anyways-- I recently had an idea to make ChickenGrams for my chickens!! (The ChickenGrams aren't real...
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