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  1. MrsCountryChick

    My Brower Top Hatch incubator lid is Cracking -ALOT

    ...changes at all. I stored it inside the manufacturers original box. I opened the box to set up my incubator & seen 4 cracks in the lid, I was *Appalled* -it had no blunt trama to the box at all....I then set the incubator up for preheating overnight. I woke in the morning & was...
  2. MrsCountryChick

    *RECALL* on Brower Top Hatch Incubator model

    There is a recall on some Brower Top Hatch Incubator models, it's due to the risk of fire. To see if yours is included here are the links. Recall: Details on the Recalled Model:
  3. MrsCountryChick

    *RECALL* on Brower Top Hatch Incubator model

    There is a recall on some Brower Top Hatch Incubator models, it's due to the risk of fire. To see if yours is included here are the links. Recall: Details on the Recalled Model:
  4. MrsCountryChick

    How long after the Gander dies can the Goose eggs be fertile?

    My Gander died last year just after breeding season was over. My Goose never laid another egg after he died. They were definitely mating thru mating season, she laid very few eggs that season, sat on a clutch of a few, but as a first time mother she wasn't the best sadly... either due to...
  5. MrsCountryChick

    What breed of chicken is this hen?

    I'm posting for a friend MzChickenChick who is new here & can't post yet. This is her hen approximately 7months old. She is a large sized hen. Any info would be Appreciated. Here are her photos:
  6. MrsCountryChick

    Does anyone else make Pizza with Wheat Flour?

    I have a typical Pizza Crust recipe that I make that calls for 4 1/4cups White flour, ...but I made it tonite for dinner using 2cups Wheat Flour & 2 1/4cups White bread flour. It came out well. What ratio of Wheat flour does anyone else use in their Wheat Pizza crust? We are just getting into...
  7. MrsCountryChick

    Goatmilk Lotion bar recipe???

    I've searched EVERYWHERE & can't find Goatmilk Lotion bar recipe. I have found ALOT of lotion or massage bar recipes, but none with goatmilk. I understand that everything has a certain consistancy to be able to solidify & become a lotion bar.... but certainly there must be a recipe that calls...
  8. MrsCountryChick

    Goatmilk Lotion bar recipe

    I've searched EVERYWHERE & can't find Goatmilk Lotion bar recipe. I have found ALOT of lotion or massage bar recipes, but none with goatmilk. I understand that everything has a certain consistancy to be able to solidify & become a lotion bar.... but certainly there must be a recipe that calls...
  9. MrsCountryChick

    What is your Favorite Bird Washing Technique & Wash Product?

    I'm wondering what is your favorite way you wash your birds (specifically SQ silkies)? What product do you wash them with? Is there a different product you'd use on a younger bird Vs a grown bird?
  10. MrsCountryChick

    Sebbie Gosling colors? What determines Sex? What determines Colors?

    I know there are many of you Long Time geese breeders Very Experienced in Determining definate info on goslings after hatching by colors. I'm wondering what differances determine Sex? & what differences determine wether you have a White Sebbie or a Saddleback Sebbie? I read there is also a...
  11. MrsCountryChick

    Leahy Redwood Incubator

    We recently purchased a LARGE Leahy Redwood Incubator... ... Hubby is restoring or replacing the wiring to make sure it's in safe working order I was wondering what can I put on the outside? I doubt we'll Ever get rid of it. I'm wanting to treat this like an antique.... meaning I'm Not wanting...
  12. MrsCountryChick

    Craigslist-FREE Styrofoam Cooler (future incubator?)

    This is not mine, but I came across this listing on Craigslist. Wanted to mention it for anyone looking for a cooler.
  13. MrsCountryChick

    What kind of (non wasting) food feeders do you use?

    I have Red Golden Pheasants & Silver Pheasants & it seems they've perfected wasting food. What Non Wasting or minimal wasting feeders do you use? Pics would be helpful.
  14. MrsCountryChick

    Can you use Whole Wheat Kernels to make flour?

    I was wondering if I was to put the Whole Wheat Kernels into say my food processor would they grind until they're Wheat flour?
  15. MrsCountryChick

    Canning Recipe Needed: Syrian Pepper Sauce AKA Lamb Sauce

    I have an abundance of Hot Banana Peppers & LOVE Syrian Pepper Sauce, but have no recipe for it. It's made with only Banana Peppers, Onions & Oil. But in what ratios? I assume in canning this canning salt would be needed too.? Any help would be Greatly Appreciated. I say it's a Syrian Pepper...
  16. MrsCountryChick

    Canning Recipe Needed: Hot Banana Pepper Rings

    I've searched here & online it seems everywhere & can't seem to find a Banana Pepper canning recipe for making Banana Pepper Rings... (like you find in the stores for adding to Pizza or Stromboli, etc). It seems every recipe I find has either sugar added, or garlic & onions. Or it's a weird...
  17. MrsCountryChick

    How much milk does a Purebred Lamancha give per day?

    I have yet to have my Registered Lamancha kid but was wondering what experience anyone has had with their Purebred Lamancha's producing?. I know it differs from goat to goat, but I was wondering how much less milk than I can expect Vs my Registered Saanen.? I'm wondering if it would take 2 of...
  18. MrsCountryChick

    Does anyone know how to make a rope halter for a Llama & Goat?

    I easily found instructions online for how to make a horse rope halter, but I'm interested in making a rope halter that would fit a Goat or Llama. There are simple photos of rope halters for a goat (but not instructions). & I really like the slightly more complicated version too (with a few...
  19. MrsCountryChick

    Trimming Doe's Horns (from growing into her head)

    I have a young doe who has a horn that is close to growing into her head. We're planning on stocking up on bleed stop before trimming of course. But from the angle unless it's fully cut off at her horn base it will continue to grow towards her head from the curved angle, so this will have to be...
  20. MrsCountryChick

    Can Llamas eat Whole Oats?

    I've read how Llamas can't have Whole Oats due to it having a "barb" inside the Oat that can collect & cause a stomach ulcer.? I can't find any info anywhere online or otherwise to support this thought. We get Oats for both our geese & goats as a little supplement for both, & that is the only...
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