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  1. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Dive watches

    Are there any divers here?? My DH wants a dive watch that he can see in black water or at night. When an ad say "luminous" does that mean basic glow in the dark? Light up displays often require you to find and press a tiny button that cannot be found easily in the dark and wearing gloves...
  2. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Things that only happen in the country or to chicken owners

    I am trying to get all of the chores done before I go to work, so I go add water to the waterer, I grab what eggs are in the coop. I stop to tie my shoe. I bend down to tie and CRUNCH....oooze.... egg in pocket went smoosh and is now running down my leg. Coat is toast. Pants are dripping...
  3. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    Most of us KNOW that there has been a serious problem brewing. Corporations have gained too much control over the political process. Many, many people committed massive fraud over the last few years and almost no one was prosecuted for it. People destroyed very big pension funds by lying to...
  4. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    Of course there is an occupy DC. THere was a gathering planned for DC BEFORE the occupy wall street got started...
  5. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    The key word there is The Tea Party gathering versus those occupy gatherings. Nad I keep saying the Tea Partiers should be out there riding this wave. The two sides have more in common than they have in difference and if they could just stop fighting each other and aim the animus at the...
  6. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    Those of you who believe Schiff is right, go back and review the links Ivan gave you. This is not capitalism that we have it's crony capitalism. It's corrupt capitalism. There has ben massive fraud and illegal behavior. There has not been too much regulation there has been far too little...
  7. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    Quote: I have noticed a lot of people more aligned with my viewpoints blatantly hijacking OWS, marching out with "End the Fed" signs. As far as I can see, OWS for the most part has spotted the problem - crony capitalism/corporatism - but completely screwed up the solution. It's GOOD that...
  8. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Blowing your nose in class - rude or acceptable?

    Depends on the level of sniffling. An hour can be too long to go if your nose is endlessly running....
  9. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    Well Q You are not wrong. And in particular the veterans for peace placed themselves between the protestors and the police to remind the police that they should not fire upon unarmed protestors. In Oakland some protestors did throw rocks and paint at police. But, there are dozens of videos...
  10. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    FourPawz let me address the housing bubble specifically, I agree with many of your suggestions with this caveat. For years, the federal reserve, beginning with Alan Greenspan, has artificially kept interest rates low to prop up the economy. In the case of the banking crisis, had government...
  11. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Weird rumbling, vibrating sound at night- anyone else dealing with it?

    Since all hearers of the hum globally are talking about a very low frequency hum they really should consider HAARP. ELF or extra low frequency sound waves are being used for a wide variety of things. Surveyors are using ELFs all over the place to find natural gas deposits even though there is...
  12. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    Just for laughs: Watch the Judge Napolitano interview. That's me and Royd arguing!! LOL!!!
  13. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    Quote: So we eliminate our republic in favor of a pure democracy? Remember the old saying, "a democracy is 2 lions and 1 sheep deciding on what to have for dinner". Yikes! Agreed. However, what people keep forgetting is that the balance that makes this a republic is not the House and the...
  14. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    FourPawz We have a recent history of governmental takeover of business. The interference in the banking system, General Motors and in the Chrysler corporation are the most glaring examples. General Electric, a multi-billion dollar corporation, pays zero taxes while supplying huge sums of...
  15. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    I am glad you asked this question because labels are almost always the problem. They impede conversation. I should not have used that one although it is accurate. What has happened is that the government is being run as a sock puppet by various corporate leaders. If what you are looking for...
  16. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Pizza Lovers, Unite!

    Pizza with fried onions and broccoli. Yum. Sounds like dinner.
  17. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    ...need to regroup. Choose people like Bill Black and even (deep breath) Dylan Ratigan and others to help you. Otherwise this is going to go all to *** and soon. Oathkeepers and others of their like will be coming out to "defend" you and they will take over. If the only tool you have is a...
  18. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Robin Williams = Tooooooo funny!

    And just think he is that manic and funny without the cocaine!! He just takes over....
  19. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

    ROYD See order number ten and recognize the problem they face and what they are doing about it. This is so much more than hippies and college kids with a sense of entitlement.
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