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  • Users: RedIII
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  1. R

    What breed are these?

    Good evening, all :) I recently received a couple of chicks in an order from a hatchery. I have two of them, and they are supposed to be Black Jersey Giants. However, they do not have single combs. They look like pea combs or something else? Clean shanks, feathering is coming in all black...
  2. R

    Meat bird gurgling - sick?

    I have some Cornish X birds that are about three months old. Long story short, DH and I have been slammed with work and have been struggling to find time to finish our meat birds. A week ago, one of them started sounding gurgly and phlegmy when breathing. No drainage, no swelling, and she acts...
  3. R

    Vaulted and rumpless genes - help?

    Hi all. To be short and sweet, I keep Icelandic chickens. Recently, I have seen a couple of pictures surface on the net of vaulted Icelandics - a thing which is NOT in the breed description. This is a landrace fowl that can have feather crests, but no vaulting. So, are any gene gurus aware of...
  4. R

    Poult video

    I took this video last Summer but just got it uploaded. Enjoy the cuteness
  5. R

    Not an emergency - cockerel can't stand up

    So I noticed this morning that a 5-mo-old cockerel I have isn't standing up. This is the first I've seen this problem, and I picked him up to check and see if anything was wrong with his legs. His legs and feet seem fine, other than that his toes are curled. This makes me very worried that he...
  6. R

    Black Spanish - is it a hen or jake?

    Good morning, fair turkey folk! I have a quandary for you. I have in my keeping, two BS turkeys about 7 months old. One of them, I've always been positive is a male. He struts, gobbles, is getting larger caruncles on his head and neck, and his snood will enlarge. The other BS has me scratching...
  7. R

    Turkey breeding question - crossbreeds

    Okay, I'm sorry for having two threads on here in as many days, but I have a question for the turkey breeders out there. I have been the owner of a turkey hen that I was told was a cross between a Royal Palm and a Bourbon Red. See Exhibit A: She was an excellent mother when broody and I was...
  8. R

    I think someone stole my turkey

    Like the subject line says. I have three turkeys in a run in the back yard. One got out during a bad storm last night and I can't catch her unless it's dark. She was in the back yard when I left this afternoon to take my brother to his job. Got back, turkey's nowhere to be found. Other two...
  9. R

    What's your egg basket like right now?

    It's Autumn now, and for many of us, that means our chickens are molting or slowing down with egg laying for the season. It made me wonder what kind of eggs everyone else is getting right now. Small? Big? What colors? How often? Here's a picture of my egg basket today. I'm getting blue and...
  10. R

    What is this guy?

    Greetings, fair chicken folk! This morning I noticed that one of our neighbors had a new rooster out in their yard, and I'm trying to figure out what breed he is. He's quite scruffy, is missing some hackles and his tail feathers. I affectionately refer to him as "Adam". I had to take the...
  11. R

    Double checking - boy or girl?

    Howdy, friends. I have a Delaware pullet that I'm questioning the gender on. She came sexed as a female from the feed store, but her feet are huge and her comb is hot pink, even if it's still small. She is perhaps a week shy of three months old. I know Delawares can go pink early on, but...
  12. R

    Chelsea the sneak

    Hello, all! I've just had an encounter with one of my pullets that I wanted to share with you. Please enjoy So at my house, we have a large, thick blanket of English ivy on the back of our garage that has been there for years and years and years. Periodically we have to rip parts of the ivy...
  13. R

    Hatching chick is stinky. Is it okay?

    Hi all. Got a few questions. I have my first chick ever to hatch in the incubator, and I'm quite new to doing incubation. In a nutshell, my main question is this: Are hatching chicks supposed to be stinky? And, is there usually waste matter in the shell with them? Here's the situation: I...
  14. R

    My turkey (ad)venture

    Okay, so obviously turkeys aren't chickens, but I wasn't sure where else to post this and I'd really like to share some memories I have of my two Broad-breasted White turkeys, Peter and Pumkin. I got them last year to raise for eating, and this weekend they'll be headed off to freezer camp...
  15. R

    Have you ever had ex-battery hens?

    Hey everyone in chicken land! I am wondering who here has ever had or has ex-battery chickens? If you have, did you mix them with chickens that you already owned? And if so, did this mixing cause any health problems for the birds you already had? I am asking because I really have wanted to...
  16. R

    Cataloged my eggs today, don't mind me the next, going left-to-right, here are the pullets that the eggs belong to, in case the pictures aren't large enough: Angel - Black Wyandotte* Mystery egg, pale brown and torpedo-shaped Lark - Rhode Island Red Cookie - Silver Laced Wyandotte Stevie - Blue Wyandotte* Chelsea - Exchequer...
  17. R

    Cockerel got beat up

    Hey all. So I just came home to an unpleasant surprise. I pulled one of my cockerels out of the coop and found that he has blood all over his head and hackles. It looks like one of the other birds got some good bites in on his comb and the back of his head - I think it may have been my young...
  18. R

    Confined chicken TV and Spa day for Peach

    Stayed home sick from work today (nasty cold viruses) Between resting cycles, I caught a little bit of chicken TV. We had to temporarily put all of our chickens in the garage, due to such cold temperatures gnawing at them in their little coop. It got down to -4 F the other night (-20 Celsius)...
  19. R

    Do your chickens sing the egg song when not laying?

    Hey all. I've got somewhat of a dumb question, so I ask your patience. Does anyone have chickens that are not currently laying, but still sing the egg song? I'm talking about old hens that have stopped egg production, new pullets that aren't yet laying, or hens on strike from molting/bad...
  20. R

    Mystery turkey - need help on breed and gender

    Hello, hello! I'm in need of some help from those of you who know your turkeys. This juvenile wandered into a relative's yard the other day, and is currently living with me: It looks to be 2-3 months old, as it is about the same size as my BBW tom, who is roughly 7 weeks old. Most, if not...
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