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  1. RoodyRodchester

    Pip...humidity low

    Not sure how it happened but I'm on day 18 and already have a pip. I might of wrote on the wrong calendar day who really knows. But I have a pip in an external pip and lots of internal pips and humidity was at 38%. Is there still a chance I won't end up with a bunch of sticky chicks? Last hatch...
  2. RoodyRodchester

    Broody confused!

    So I went out this morning looking for one of my missing ducks only to find her sitting on a clutch of eggs in the chicken box that she hid under the 3 inch layer of hay. I let myself get excited that she was acting broody and sitting. She was there from 6-1pm and then it all changed. One of the...
  3. RoodyRodchester


    My BSL hen has feathers missing on her back. I assumed it was from the rooster just being to rough. So I kept her away from him for a couple of days and let her heal because it looked a little raw. She was fine after that and was happy to go back. But now that it's been a week she's missing...
  4. RoodyRodchester

    Hatching eggs from new layer

    How long after a hen has started laying her first eggs do you wait to incubate? My RIR and RSL have started laying and I would like to get another batch ready to be brought up.
  5. RoodyRodchester

    Has the time come...

    Has the time come that I might get an egg?! I have never raised chicks to hens before. All other chickens I have been given were already laying. So this is new territory for me. My mix of RIR, red sex link, leghorn and a barred rock are 18 weeks. And I've noticed a couple of girls have bigger...
  6. RoodyRodchester

    Summer brooding outside

    ...brooding box is in my unheated/air garage. During the early part of the year it was cool enough that I needed to use a heat lamp. But here we are 95* weather and heat indexes up to 110 that it gets very stiffling in there. I do have a couple of fans to push air around. But since I have a new...
  7. RoodyRodchester

    She's gone bonkers!

    My 4 year old hen came out of molt early February and started laying again. And I got a few great eggs out of her. Now for the past few weeks she will sit in the nest box for up to 2 hours and sing her laying song but there is no egg?! I've even sat and watched her come out and instantly checked...
  8. RoodyRodchester

    Quick help please.

    Today is the start of day 24 for my test hatch for fertility. I had one internally pip yesterday morning before I got up. It never piped externally. I've read the assisted hatch guide and www giving it a small air hole to check to see if it was alive. I did not see movement so opened just a...
  9. RoodyRodchester

    Duck and chicken gender help.

    I have 3 ducks and a chicken (who thinks he's a duck) that I need help sexing. One of fhe Pekins does make a noise that sounds like a quack but maybe more of a honk. The ducks are 6 weeks old and the chicken. Is 7 weeks old. Thanks for any help given.
  10. RoodyRodchester

    New chickens! What breed?

    My sister in law gave me her chickens since they were moving. I was wondering what breed they are. She didn't know what they were. I'm hoping to move out my 4 year old rooster and move this new one in as he and the hen have just hit the one year mark.
  11. RoodyRodchester

    How long for poo?

    After a chick hatches how long should you wait before you get worried about no poo? Our new little hatchling is nearing 24 hours and has had a few sips of water and I've seen her peck at the food but hasn't had any poo. I did make sure that her vent was clean and debris free and it is. Only...
  12. RoodyRodchester

    Something on his bottom

    I just had a chick kick off the bottom piece of shell. He's got something yellow on his bottom. What could this be?
  13. RoodyRodchester

    2 eggs?

    My leghorn decided to start laying last night but I didn't find it until this morning so it was froze. But then she disappeared for a little bit right after I opened the coop this morning so I went looking and she laid another one but this one was half soft half hard shell. It was only about...
  14. RoodyRodchester

    More eggs yay!

    My brown layer finally started laying yesterday in the middle of a winter storm! And she's laid 2 eggs in a row! Very excited bc she was an every other day layer and hadn't laid since thanksgiving! Both eggs went into the incubator with my duck eggs! :wee I may need to sign up for incubators...
  15. RoodyRodchester

    Bright spot in duck egg

    Have a duck egg on day 10. And during candling I noticed this bright spot. As the air cell grows the closer it comes to this spot. Is this something normal or will it cause a problem. Never seen it before in any of the other eggs I've incubated.
  16. RoodyRodchester

    Moving loan chicken.

    Little back story first. Out of our first hatch only one chicken lived. There was no one around here that I could buy more from so he wouldn't be lonely. We have done our best to accommodate him and he is very friendly and has lots of play time so he isn't so lonely. He's also went out on warm...
  17. RoodyRodchester

    Is he a rooster?

    This is our lone chicken Uno from our first hatch. He's 5 weeks old and his comb already seems to be turning a reddish/orange color. He's a cross between a white leghorn with a silver laced wydontta. He is white but has feathers turning black. Any help would be appreciated, I believe I might...
  18. RoodyRodchester

    Hatched! But....

    One of my eggs finally hatched but it is still attached to the egg and there seems to be quite a bit of blood in the egg. He is up dragging the shell around is this normal?
  19. RoodyRodchester

    When to worry?

    I have 4 eggs due to hatch tomorrow and one due on Thursday. At day 17 I candles the eggs before lock down because we were going out town the next day and I wouldn't have time to check all the eggs. I noticed that the air cells where on the small side. So I pushed back lock down and ran a dry...
  20. RoodyRodchester

    Soft shelled eggs

    One of my chickens continues to lay soft shelled eggs every 2 days. I purchased some oyster shell because I thought she needed the calcium but here we are a week and a half in and she is still laying them. Could there be another problem? Or should I give the oyster shell longer to work?
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