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  1. horseshowmomnv

    What type of Bantam... Safe to say at 4 mos this is a rooster?

    My daughter picked this guy up as a chick at a feed store. All we knew was he/she was a bantam. I think it is safe to say at 4 mos he is a rooster, Can anyone tell me what type of Bantam he is?
  2. horseshowmomnv

    We have our first egg!

    Our hens are 17 weeks old, did not expect to have an egg yet, but none the less I have been checking every day. WOW to my surprise I found out first egg. One would think I won the lottery with all my excitement! I am calling my friends telling them we have an egg. Now mind you we have 16...
  3. horseshowmomnv

    One side of our 8 x 10 coop completed with redwood. Picture

    Here is a picture of the front of our coop, Found the redwood planks cheap at a local building supplier. Securing planks on top of OSB.
  4. horseshowmomnv

    Help with a question about spring loaded windows

    A friend gave us a nice vinyl window, however it is too tall if we installed it vertically. Can we install a spring loaded window horizontally? What are the problems with doing so? T
  5. horseshowmomnv

    Light Brahma Pullet or Cockerel?

    This little one is 9.5 weeks old, has alot more red around face then the others, and appears more aggressive. Maybe to early to tell but thought I would ask. Have more if these are good enough. Thank you! Our poor Jack Russell really really wants to "join" the chickens, thank goodness for...
  6. horseshowmomnv

    Help with ventilation, opinions please PIC

    Our coop is 8x10 7ft tall, we currently have 18 9wk old chickens. My question is: We in Reno NV, the winter can be cold and snowy, not alot rain but we do get thunderstorms... ALOT of wind! I am seeking opinions on how to cover these during severe thunderstorms to prevent rain, and in...
  7. horseshowmomnv

    Chicks are moved to Coop!

    The 27 chicks arrived on the 26th of February, we have been working on this 10x8 coop for since. Finally all chicks are inside as of today. Have ALOT of "finish" work to do. So happy they are out of the garage... it will take weeks to clean all the dust, I think we will use the leaf...
  8. horseshowmomnv

    Help with using redwood fence for horizontal siding.

    Our coop is 8x10 and I picked a bunch of redwood fence boards really cheap. Now I am questioning my plan. I planned on putting the boards on horizontally and using staggered seams. Should we put OSB board on the outside first? Some of the boards are pretty worn. A friend of mine made it...
  9. horseshowmomnv

    Help... our furnace is in the garage will the chick dust harm it?

    We need to move the 26 chicks to the garage (too much dust) will the dust in the garage harm the furnace?
  10. horseshowmomnv

    Our little chick did not make it, as I sit here and cry.

    Had to cull our little chick, We tried antibiotics, wonder dust, vitamins, gatorade and time. She had a tumor like thing growing on back of her neck that was getting larger. She was struggling to breathe, and just not thriving. I hate this part, only 3 weeks old. I am blessed that the...
  11. horseshowmomnv

    Sick Chick

    Good Morning, I have a Plymouth Rock that is sick. We have tried karo syrup, it picked up a little bit last night, ACV, she ate some chicken scratch. Last night after we feed her she pooped three times. We are feeding medicated feed. Anything else we can do to help this little one. She is...
  12. horseshowmomnv

    2 week old chick pecking at herself - Help

    I think that maybe other chicks started pecking, now she will not stop pecking at herself. How can I help her? They have a big brooder, red lights, I put antibiotic cream on it... any idea's how to help my little girl.
  13. horseshowmomnv

    2 week old chick pecking at herself

    Our 2 week old light brahma appears to be pecking at her wing area, she now has a sore with no feathers. What do I put on it, how do I help her to stop?
  14. horseshowmomnv

    3rd times a charm? Brooder keeps getting bigger!

    First, we ordered 25 chicks from McMurray, never owned chickens... what where we thinking? They are 2 weeks old on Friday. We honestly thought we would lose a few, alas all 27 have survived! We started with two 90 qt rubber containers, then we moved them last Saturday to a 33 x 42 cabinet...
  15. horseshowmomnv

    What if power goes out....

    What does everyone do if the power goes out and you have young chicks that need the heat lamp?
  16. horseshowmomnv

    They are here!!!

    My Chicks from McMurray arrived today, all 26 appear to be healthy and happy! The post office was great and called us to pick up on Sunday! Now for the adventures to begin!
  17. horseshowmomnv

    Soon to be proud parents of 25 chicks... in Nevada

    Hello, My husband says I jump head first. Our daughter (20) has the same trait as me. We are studying and learning as much as possible about chickens. The chicks are due to arrive around the 27th. We have a plan for the brooder, they will be living in our den. We have yet to build the...
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