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  1. Mei&Popcorn

    Hen sitting down, but not egg bound

    Hi, my hen has been sitting down a lot, and she's been kind of crouched down with her tail held low. However, she isn't egg bound because there is no egg. There appears to be a "fullness" lower down from the vent... any idea what it is? I gave her a warm bath to open up her vent if she needs to...
  2. Mei&Popcorn

    Hen is becoming skinny...

    Hi all! I have a BO hen who is getting skinny. I know it isn't worms because my flock was dewormed recently. I picked her up and she feels lighter, and I can feel that she's skinnier. Also, I'm pretty sure she's eating less. She's also molting right now... Could it be due to that? Also...
  3. Mei&Popcorn

    Lots of shellless eggs

    Hi, a few months ago, one of my hens (RIR, 2 years old) started laying lots of shellless eggs - practically every time she layed. There hasn't been extreme weather, and my hens have access to lots of water and calcium, so could this just be genetics? Has anyone else had similar situations? Thanks!
  4. Mei&Popcorn

    Black poop?

    Hi, recently I have been seeing a few wet poops (like chocolate pudding consistency), covered with a layer of black... Is this normal? All of them seem healthy...
  5. Mei&Popcorn

    Writing a book...

    Hi! For a school project, I was going to write a small book about the basics of raising chickens (probably easier said than done, but oh well!). So, I'm asking you guys - what should I cover in the book? For example, food, water, etc. Please give specifics and common problems if you can, or...
  6. Mei&Popcorn

    What would you be like without chickens?

    This is super random.... But I was having a conversation with someone about music, which lead to how some people can't live without music, which lead to how I probably couldn't live without chickens. So, ever since keeping chickens, has anyone else noticed themselves being happier or is it just...
  7. Mei&Popcorn

    Mite treatment

    Hi! I recently checked my chickens for mites, and I found some... (luckily, I caught it in the beginning stages). So, what's the best treatment for this that can be readily found in normal pet stores? Also, prevention tips? Does the type of bedding affect whether you're going to get mites or...
  8. Mei&Popcorn

    Impacted crop?

    Hi all! A week ago, I noticed my cuckoo marans hen (who usually is a glutton) was getting really skinny. Her comb and wattles were dried out looking (though this is probably from molt), but her eyes looked alert, at least. I felt around her crop, and it felt like it was impacted. However, I...
  9. Mei&Popcorn

    Hen keeps trembling...

    Hi all! I was out, and someone else was taking care of my chickens for me. He put the chickens in the wrong coop - for some reason, one of my hens HATES the other, and he put those two in the same coop. When I went to let them out, the bullied hen was standing in the water (which was weird) with...
  10. Mei&Popcorn

    Feather plucking....

    Hello all! I have a problem with my chickens bullying each other... I have two coops - one has two 1 year old hens, and the other has one 3 year old hen (the 1st in pecking order) and two 2 year old hens. Peanut, one of the 1 year old hens is constantly bullying Poppy, one of my two year old...
  11. Mei&Popcorn

    About butts..

    Hi all! I'm not sure if these is quite are diseases, but I've noticed two things about my RIR hen, Peanut... 1. She makes alot of watery poops... is this abnormal? She acts fine... 2. On her butt, there is a bald spot (no pinfeathers, completely bare) that takes up about 1/2 of her...
  12. Mei&Popcorn

    Feeding chickens wet feed?

    Hello! For the past few weeks, I've been feeding my chickens wet feed as a change from dry feed. I heard that they get more nutritional value out of it when it is wet. I change it everyday. Is this OK? Will it grow mold in the course of a day? Is it any better than feeding chickens dry feed? It...
  13. Mei&Popcorn

    Catching Chickens

    I love my chickens, but I'm not sure if it goes the other way around... They refuse to go into the coop in daylight, only at night. I sometimes end up chasing them up and down the steep hill in my yard. I've tried the slow steady quiet calm approach, but it doesn't work. I don't want to bribe...
  14. Mei&Popcorn


    I've read that some people kick their roosters when they're aggressive... I don't have any roosters but I'm wondering if it hurts them or anything. Could they get hurt from it? Break a bone? Or do they just use their wings to fly away and avoid most of the damage?
  15. Mei&Popcorn

    Egg Color

    I have a EE/Orpington cross so I'm wondering what color her eggs will be...
  16. Mei&Popcorn

    Pigeon Problem

    This may sound kind of silly, but we have a major problem with pigeons. How could I scare them away? They come close to the house, like, right against the house and eat the chicken feed. My dad says he is going to shoot them, and I feel bad for them, so help please!!
  17. Mei&Popcorn

    Hawaiian Chickens

    Just wondering, does anyone on BYC live in Oahu, or Hawaii?
  18. Mei&Popcorn

    My Ameraucana Hen/Roo??

    I have ameraucana, and i'm wondering if hes a rooster... if he is i have to give him away, and he is my dear pullet mei's bro/sis so i'd feel bad.. the problem is i don't know how to post pics, so if someone could help me.. mei is the one eating the plants. she is really odd (for a chicken)...
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