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  1. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Dive watches

    Are there any divers here?? My DH wants a dive watch that he can see in black water or at night. When an ad say "luminous" does that mean basic glow in the dark? Light up displays often require you to find and press a tiny button that cannot be found easily in the dark and wearing gloves...
  2. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Things that only happen in the country or to chicken owners

    I am trying to get all of the chores done before I go to work, so I go add water to the waterer, I grab what eggs are in the coop. I stop to tie my shoe. I bend down to tie and CRUNCH....oooze.... egg in pocket went smoosh and is now running down my leg. Coat is toast. Pants are dripping...
  3. I have WHAT in my yard?

    JFF write a mnemonic sentence

    For extra credit my daughter got the assignment to write mnemonic sentences for her vocabulary words. There were 25 and it was a struggle some were easy but try this one: Write a mnemonic sentence to spell PUZZLE
  4. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Donut pans

    What do you all think of donuts made from regular mix in a donut pan? Are they any good at all??
  5. I have WHAT in my yard?

    In box marked as full?

    My in box is empty but it remains marked as full. Can anyone fix this?? Please?? Thank you!!! Sharon
  6. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Starting over or not?

    I am not happy with my flock right now. I have egg eaters and feather pickers. I can't figure out who the egg eaters are and am separating a few at a time to try to weed them out. I lost a hen last week to an infected sore that she got from the other hens picking at her. BY time I realized...
  7. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Can any one tell me any facts about HAARP?

    There is so much conspiracy stuff out there about HAARP that I feel like I can't find anything that I can believe! Does anyone know of a information source or sources that I can believe???
  8. I have WHAT in my yard?

    So this good news is bad news??

    When I had DD1 I had some very serious health problems. Including at one point when my heart stopped. After all was said and done they said that my heart had recovered beautifully. But, it has never seemed right to me. So, last month I had an episode when I was cooking dinner. I felt like...
  9. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Some one who understands the financial markets....

    Something curious happened recently: for the first time in over a decade, perhaps ever, the US saw a record $25 billion worth of Treasury bond outflows from the Treasury's custodial account in the week ended September 28. Just as curious is that in the past 5 weeks we have seen relentless...
  10. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Question for the ladies - Endometrial Ablation?

    Has anyone experienced and endometrial ablation? I am getting on in years, long in the tooth, etc etc... Looks like I am peri-menopausal. This is all average stuff, but my cycle has gotten nastier and nastier, heavy and long to the point where I am incapacitated 2 to 3 days out of every...
  11. I have WHAT in my yard?

    So the 250lb dead deer refuses to load itself.....

    And I end up in this I Love Lucy episode I call my life.. DH is never home anymore. He works so hard and he is so exhausted. So we let this hunter who shares our beliefs about how to manage hunting hunt our land. In return he shares the meat. We share processing costs of course. So...
  12. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Hey Texans. Help a vet widow!

    Its a small thing in a way. This Navy Seal Widow lost her husband's wedding band traveling in Texas this weekend. She's hoping some one anyone might help her find it.
  13. I have WHAT in my yard?

    The Cylons are coming!!

    So the kids and I are gathered in the kitchen them doing homework, me working on dinner. Suddenly I hear this sound from right outside Reeally loud!! For that one second, I could not for the life of me think of what they were called but I knew that sound!!! The cylons were here...
  14. I have WHAT in my yard?

    I am looking for a girl scout troop west of the Mississippi

    I hate to ask, but my DDs troop needs pen pals. All of the troops I can access easily are very local and not too different in make up from her own troop. I would like to see them have conversations with people who are far away. We live in PA. If anyone knows of a troop around 9/10 years old...
  15. I have WHAT in my yard?

    How long can she live like this??

    So a couple of months ago I noticed one of my hens had a swollen crop. She didn't look good, she was pretty listless. So, I took her out and made her vomit, fed her yogurt and fluids. The next day she was better but not "better" you know? Mostly she was just struggling to get out of the...
  16. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Egg with umbilcus?

    I found an egg with what can only be described as an umbilicus sticking out of one end! What IS this and did it hurt the hen????
  17. I have WHAT in my yard?

    So I hate sleepovers....

    Part of this is really my issue as a person. Something I struggle with as a parent. I adore my children, but in general I don't like other people's kids all that much. And I am a very private person and I dislike letting other people into my life like that. So, I grit my teeth and I try to...
  18. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Help! Coughing in young goat?

    She is about 7 month old and just suddenly started coughing about 20 minutes ago. She's still munching away and then she stops to cough. She is eating brush and weeds in a pen that she has been in before. I don't think there's anything there that could be poisonous... If it is just eager...
  19. I have WHAT in my yard?

    9/11 and I feel awkward about this...

    9/11 was a rough day for me and it is seared in my memory. I did not lose anyone that day (spent hours worried sick but they were both safe.) But I have lost friends in Iraq and Afghanistan. So MIL and her church are having their church picnic at MIL's house that day. Somehow, I am...
  20. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Anxiety disorder in children??

    I think my DDs (11) anxiety is at the "disorder" state. I really do. Her anxiety is taking over - oh heck truth be told it has run the family for years now. She's an emotional black hole for me. I simply cannot love her enough for her to feel safe and happy. I was clinically depressed...
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