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  1. GertieBird

    Poopy bottoms on older hens

    I have a 1 1/2 year old hen who always has some buildup on her bum. Her poops are normal most of the time. When chickens evacuate their cecae (2 blind pouches in their intestines which are similar to the appendix), which happens daily or so, the material is much like chocolate pudding. This...
  2. GertieBird

    We lost another chicken UPDATE: EVERYTHING IS BACK TO NORMAL

    I am very sorry for your losses. I have had some mysterious losses in my flock since I started keeping chickens ~2 years ago. I did have a veterinarian do a necropsy (post-mortem dissection) of two of my birds and sent the samples to the state lab. Came back as possible Lymphoid Leukosis (some...
  3. GertieBird

    Oyster Shell...mixed in with food or container?

    I mix both grit and shell into their food. I'll also sprinkle grit on the ground. They seem to get to it when they need it. I had the same problem of upturned bowls when I'd put them separate.
  4. GertieBird

    What age do you start worming chickens?

    If your chickens are on dirt/grass they'll get worms. They'll almost always have some worm load that, when healthy, their immune systems keep in check. I suppose that younger (less than 6 months old) birds would be more susceptible to an overload. I've not read of anyone that deworms their birds...
  5. GertieBird

    broken beak...need advice!

    Can you put a small piece of adhesive tape on it? Then maybe a drop of super glue (small drop!) to get the tape to really stay on and to stabilize it a little. I read somewhere where someone's non-chicken bird got a cracked beak, and she bought silk nail wraps and used those. Beak healed fine...
  6. GertieBird

    Sick rooster dont know whats wrong

    Gurgling while breathing is not normal for any animal. You should probably isolate him and start nursing care. Keep him warm...maybe moisten his food with warm water and encourage him to eat. Watch for nasal discharge....get him to a vet if that's practical, and look up his symptoms online. You...
  7. GertieBird

    Delawares! My nine sweetie's...boys or girls?

    How do you tell just by looking at the pics of such young birds? Is it the redder comb/wattles? I have 4 delawares which are supposed to be is a little bolder than the others, but feather-wise and comb/wattle color look the same to me. They're 11 weeks old today. What can I watch for?
  8. GertieBird

    Winston-Salem, NC Coop Permit feedback/ local support groups

    Hi all! I'm in-process for getting a permit to house chickens on my property. The way the WS ordinance reads is that you only need a permit if your coop is less than 150' from property lines (but horses, ponies, donkeys & cows only need to be 50' from property lines....go figure). I'm wanting...
  9. GertieBird

    What do you put in your water

    Quote: Yes, the acid in the vinegar reacts with the metal.
  10. GertieBird

    Mareks ugh

    I lost two banty hens early this year from what the vet thought was Marecks....the pathologist said Mareck's or lymphoid leukosis. Given the symptoms and the vet saying she saw nerve tumors, I'm going with Marecks. Ugh, it was a sad time. Learned a lot about chickens, not to mention breeders, at...
  11. GertieBird

    How did you come up with your screen name?

    To CarriBrown: OMG I LOVE YOUR AVATAR!!!! I'm still rollin' about it! My name came from our star banty hen Gertie. She's the smallest even of our banties, and she's survived a hawk attack! She rocks!
  12. GertieBird

    black marks on my roo...?

    It looks like he scraped his comb on something, and the black marks could be scabs. My little roo gets those every so often. I think he scratches it, it bleeds a little, the blood dries and all I see are little black dots/lines on his comb. Hopefully your guy is acting ok otherwise.
  13. GertieBird


    I've only ever seen/heard of them bothering with dead animals. But, in the wonderful world of living organisms, there are always exceptions to the rules. I've gotten to the point where I only let my chickies free-range when I'm right there with them.
  14. GertieBird

    Could someone help me, please

    ginbart: i know this is totally off-topic but i have family in bloom! hehhehe nice to see folx from familiar places! unfortunately i cant help you regarding your issue as i have never subscribed to a topic.... sorry!
  15. GertieBird

    Another death in the family.....

    I am so sorry for your losses. It sounds like you've had a real rough time of late. In time, may you find peace. In fond memories, may you find comfort. You are in my thoughts. Namaste, ~GertieBird
  16. GertieBird

    Odd crackly egg shell

    Quote: I think you need to check with the FDA and your particular state for egg-selling regulations. You may be able to sell up to "so many" dozen per month or year before needing to get licensed to be a 'commercial' seller.
  17. GertieBird

    What are your other hobbies?

    Hello, all! I enjoy knitting, crocheting, & soap making. My hubby and I have a large garden, which we are always expanding, and grow as much of our own food as possible. Easier for me....I'm a vegetarian...but my husband doesn't eat too much meat. We've planted several fruit & nut trees, with...
  18. GertieBird

    Run or free range?

    Just to put my 2 cents in: I was free ranging my birds all day when I or my husband was home. Til one day a hawk attacked my smallest (and most personable!) banty! I am so lucky that I got to her in time, took her to a hospital with a great bird vet, and now 2 months (or more) later she's doing...
  19. GertieBird

    average low temps/ non-heated coops?

    Hey all! Great info on this thread. Anyone out there in the piedmont area of NC do anything for their chickens in winter? I have a coop roughly 10'x4', all-wood contruction with metal roof. There are some gaps between walls/ floor and walls/ceiling. None of the gaps are larger than an inch (as...
  20. GertieBird

    My Boston has seizures

    I'm sorry about your baby. I have an epileptic kitty and it kills me to see her seize. Consider getting a referral to a neurologist. There may be other options for your pup. Good luck!
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