How did you come up with your screen name?

Mine is just the same as my aol screen name. When I first got aol I was going to use my real name but it wouldn't all fit. It would only take part of my name so willowcol = willow collins my name.
To CarriBrown: OMG I LOVE YOUR AVATAR!!!! I'm still rollin' about it!

My name came from our star banty hen Gertie. She's the smallest even of our banties, and she's survived a hawk attack! She rocks!
Well, I have 5 kids and they're always bringing home friends (some for extended periods of time). I make them obey
the house rules and they complain "Gheeshe, you're just like my mother!" So It just came natural to reply "That's right!! I'm your Other Mother" Then I mother all the animals so that fit there. So that's what all the kids around here call me... Their Other Mother!
Mine was given to me by a unmoderated medical support news group. Seems there are some pathetic souls that like to torment sick people for fun or profit.

I took it upon myself to eliminate the Trolls on that board by tracking down their ISPs and personal information and getting their user accounts closed or if need be posting the personal information for all to see.

Whenever a Troll would post, the next post would be somebody saying "wait until the Trollkiller gets here".
Not to original but he's the boss of the yard(when the geese and guineas let him) and he is the only white chicken we have . Frizzeled white bantum cochin apptly named Trouble.
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Been Raiseing OEGB for 7 years and I'm the Lady who owns and loves them

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