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  1. WickedNerd

    Happy Birthday KristyHall

    You know, one good happy birthday deserves another! Happy Birthday Kristy! Love ya lots babe and may it be an awesome day of epic awesomeness with awesome sauce. You deserve it!
  2. WickedNerd

    No santa? Would you be mad?

    Quote: True that. Teachers really can't win these days. No we can't win on this one. With so many different religions out there it's hard to say anything, not say anything, make this parent happy, that parent happy, this child happy, etc. In this day and age the minority have the power to...
  3. WickedNerd

    What is your favorite quote?

    "A man's called a traitor or a liberator. A rich man's a thief or philanthropist. Is one a crusader; a ruthless invader? It's all in which label is able to persist." -The Wizard from Wicked "We can't all come and go by bubble!" Elphaba from Wicked "Why are there so many songs about arcs of...
  4. WickedNerd

    Tell me about the amazing people in your life

    My family. I've been away from the boards lately because my mom had surgery last month and while in recovery from said surgery she discovered she was, for all intents and purposes, paralyzed. It's been really hard on the whole family but we've all seem to have come together. We go to the...
  5. WickedNerd

    Team Names-HELP!!!!!!

    Ninjas, Rangers, Chargers, Comets, Riptides...? I assistant coached a team that called themselves the Spitfires.
  6. WickedNerd

    Overheard conversations

    People filling out applications: Person 1: Hey, it says they do random drug testing here. Person 2: Yeah. Person 1: Um, is hemp a drug? Person 2: Hemp? Nah, dude, it's all natural. Person 1: Cool. I really need a job. Hemp is expensive.
  7. WickedNerd

    Redhen, Em, Laurajean... You have competition! Brownies!

    *Reads this from the wifi at Starbucks since her house got struck by lightning and took out her modem.* Uh, for the record, the brownies were all KristyHall's doing. I'm an semi-innocent bystander in all this. I just provided my workplace as a meet up spot.
  8. WickedNerd

    How do you like your beans?

    See KristyHall? Other people use bacon to cook their beans. She and I sniped at each other in the grocery store in Iowa over this very thing. I'm sure our friend thought we were crazy.
  9. WickedNerd

    Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

    I went to work and had a productive day. It may not seem like a lot, but I'm so thankful to have this job that everyday I have it is a good day right now.
  10. WickedNerd

    So a Roma, a Cherokee, and an Irish woman walk into a grocery store...

    Quote: I hope I can too. Though the more I think about it the more worried I am. That is a huge thing to organize. I better have help *eyes WickedNerd* I will get thee pics up soon! I promise! You'll do fine. I'll help if you tell me what you need.
  11. WickedNerd

    What are your pet peeves?

    Liars and traitors. Now I'm not talking about the little white lies, though I don't agree with those either. I'm talking about things that people say to cover up for their actions that have a bearing on both people. The thing about lying is that you will be found out and it hurts the person...
  12. WickedNerd

    Good eye might (what's that sound like?) -add a caption!

    "I have to protect my image!"
  13. WickedNerd


    Why is it that when you ask people NOT to download stuff on the office computers that they do it anyway? Why is it that these same people call and ask why the computers are crashing? Why is it that they seem to think I can repair all when I have no official training in this whatsoever? And...
  14. WickedNerd

    I'll be gone for a week to Iowa

    Quote: I'm with you. I won't go out of my way to be evil to you if you leave me be in the morning and let the caffeine do its job. I would appreciate it if people could tone down the perky until I can catch up a little, but people are who they are and I'm fine with that so long as they don't...
  15. WickedNerd

    mp3 questions

    Quote: I have a ton of music on my itunes. Several days worth...about 49 gigs. That's a lot of audio. I promise I didn't buy it all from iTunes but I'm able to access all of it and manipulate it as I need to.
  16. WickedNerd

    When no one knows what is going on in someone's life

    Hope things get better for you and your family soon.
  17. WickedNerd

    Cheating allowed and ENCOURAGED?!

    Quote: You know. We talked about that in a staff meeting once...the whole education should be a business idea and how unrealistic it is. Then my principal brought out this article. I love it. The Blueberry Story: The teacher gives the businessman a lesson by Jamie Robert Vollmer "If I...
  18. WickedNerd

    I'll be gone for a week to Iowa

    Quote: awwww you're no fun Not at 4 am, I'm not! I used to be a morning person, now if I'm up at 4 am it means I couldn't sleep! LOL, I used to be a retail supervisor in a bakery, I had to be there at 5 am. I disgusted everyone else because I was so chirpy/cheery and I don't even drink...
  19. WickedNerd

    Cheating allowed and ENCOURAGED?!

    No Child Left Behind really means No Child Left Untested. I hate standardized testing. I agree that it is a helpful tool in some regard for the bare basics of seeing what a children knows, but that's it. Just a basic tool. There is no depth to that knowledge. There's no creativity. There's...
  20. WickedNerd

    mp3 questions

    Quote: i don't want an ipod Fair enough.
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