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  1. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

  2. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    A wedgie would be better.
  3. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

  4. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    That's kinda the definition of a Dad Joke.
  5. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    That one never gets old. I mean we're not the Duke brothers.
  6. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

  7. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    What's black & white and red all over?
  8. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    Doc, it has to be all that oxygen I breathed between smokes.
  9. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    Should have put that in a spoiler. :gig
  10. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    Post #1422. To narrow it down some more.
  11. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    What's Smokey the Bear's middle name?
  12. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

  13. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    Dang, it just got cold.
  14. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    Can you gare-own-tee that?
  15. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    That too. Busy bunch.
  16. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    They also run the mess hall.
  17. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    Can you believe that I did not want to go on that night swim after watching Jaws? No joke, I wimped out.
  18. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    The man that invented throat lozenges died.
  19. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

    So, your fridge is running? Better go catch it.
  20. Brooks_

    Dad Jokes😂

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