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  1. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    It has been my personal experience that Cornish bantams do not tolerate the cold well. Infact, one spent part of last winter inside to prevent her from freezing to death. She just couldn't take the cold. The line was from show stock, so they're pretty decent. I'm wondering if hatchery Cornish...
  2. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    Let us know, tileman. You may have some takers.
  3. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    Look pretty good to me, tileman. Where did you get your stock?
  4. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    On a previous post I inquired as to what age it was evident/clear which sex an individual was. I'll ask it another way. Should roo wattles be clearly evident at 3 months of age? I have 3 that are showing blush around the eyes and the side at the beak, the combs look similar, coloring up a bit...
  5. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

  6. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    I like him, Rebel Yell. Be sure to post another picture when he gets a little older.
  7. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    I feel like a real dork asking this question because I'm not chicken stupid. But it is my first round with Cornish bantams. I have 3 month old WLRs which I'm unsure about the sex. At what age should their sex be evident? I thought I had 3 pullets but the legs are getting a tad thicker on one...
  8. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    Congratulations, Chickened! And thank you for the reply. This is a pullet, under 1 yr, and she has been this way most of the winter. I didn't consider it normal, but I know Cornish have a close fitting feather and could see where they don't tolerate cold as well as some other breeds. I was just...
  9. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    I haven't had my Cornish bantams long enough to understand the breed. So I have a question. I have one pullet that can't seem to tolerate the cold. My others do fine but she looks like she's going to die if she doesn't get warmed up. I have a 100W bulb hanging close over the perch for her to...
  10. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    Congratulations, chickened. I just placed 4 bantam cornish eggs under a broody bantam. Happy for the opportunity to strengthen the numbers a little, as I only have a trio presently. With only 1 pullet laying, lucky to have those. Has anyone else had some sad looking birds with this last...
  11. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    How aggressive are the bantam Cornish roos toward other roos? Are they on the same aggressive level as the LF or more mellow in that department? Thanks.
  12. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    My wlr bantam Cornish pullets have started laying in an unheated building with no lights to extend daylight. Since I felt lights were needed to get winter eggs, this pleases me.
  13. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    The first night I had these guys, one of the pullets flew up into the eaves of the building. So I figured 20" high perches would be a piece of cake. They hit the floor with a thud jumping off the perches.You described it pretty accurately, Cedarknob. The pink spots/sploches do sort of look like...
  14. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    I'm new to Cornish but not chickens. My first Cornish bantams are developing pinkish places on the bottoms of their feet. My thinking is the perches are too high for their hefty weight. I've lowered them and it's been too soon to see if there is any results. Can anyone suggest why they started...
  15. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    Nice birds, r devries. The darks seem to be particularly nice.
  16. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    Thanks for the kind words about my Cornish trio. I can't take any credit, good or bad as I was fortunate to have found and purchased these birds. So far, I'm liking them a lot. From what I'm reading, they may have to stay penned and separate from the rest of my roo breeds. Am I correct in my...
  17. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    It's getting to be the time of year we could all use a few pictures to look at. Here's mine. These are bantams.
  18. gootziecat

    Cornish Thread

    I picked these two pullets up today at a show. Kicked my fanny all the way home I didn't buy a roo.
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